Major League Baseball (Part 1)

This is the only reason the cards have a chance.

Im not arguing that its just the announcer had already gone on a well deserved diatribe about his baseball IQ.

When he went in on vol 2…

Oh, that’s why it made me LOL. I agree the announcing was over the top.

Ever noticed that Joey Ingram looks like Polk and Dnegs made a baby?

The other extremely tilting comment was on the reliever being one of the only pitchers who could out Tatis in the clutch. Like really mofo, if you’re hitting .333 that means 2/3 of relievers have a chance and thats not weighting for specialty.

LOL @ me. That’s twice I’ve done that ITT.

I just googled imaged “the wizard’s curse” and grabbed the first pix it puked up. I’ve never heard of the dude, or imagined he wasn’t anything other than a stock photo model.

Please don’t do a second search.

OK I won’t.

It’s probably not well known nationally, but there’s a strong San Diego connection with The Wizard of Oz, which makes the name of the baseball curse particularly apt.

I just had to do a password reset on an internet account. New password: diecardinals2020.

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Naw man, do your thing. I’m on 3rd month of sobriety after smoking for 25 years.

Pads have the best nucleus of talent in baseball and this series is far from over. I just jumped back on the bandwagon so this will be my penance if they lose to the fricking redbirds.

Drama in Yanks game, bases loaded for Yanks, 0 outs down 4-1 in the 4th, Cle starter pulled

Bet it’s a GS

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God damn I’m good

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Hey Brewers, now that you’re in the playoffs with a losing record:

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Speaking of the Card’s, and in a serious mood for a minute…

First, thank goodness that (as far as we know) none of the Card’s entourage have suffered any long term effects of their Covid breakout. One thing that I never read anything about was why they were held out of play so long.

Not why operationally, as we know they were coming up positive as tested. But why they kept coming up positive for so long. They were held out longer than what was considered the incubation period. So… did they have two separate and overlapping outbreaks? Was there a testing breakdown? Maybe some late false-positives?

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Cincinnati has the Bo Jackson curse.

I think I’m doing pretty good promoting The Wizard’s Curse… considering I just made it up this very morning.

Let’s see, if I understand things correctly… we need somebody to write an article on this thread; then somebody else to write an article on that article; then we can get it into Wikipedia.


The Bo Jackson curse is pretty well-known/accepted (half-jokingly) in the cincy sports world. We broke Bo, and as our punishment for ending the career of one of the greatest athletes of all time, we are no longer allowed post-season success.

I mean, if there was a god and this was real, it’s hard to even be mad at that. I might quibble about the length of said curse, but yeah, we deserved something…

There’s always been a generalized San Diego Sports Curse, for the obvious reason. But AFAIK, and I should, there’s never been a “curse” particular to a sport or player (or goat).

The only thing I could find on the interwebs was a single claim that the curse is from the NFL team dumping off HOFer Lance Alworth to the Cowboys in 1970. Although the “Curse of Bambi” does have a ring to it… I’m calling BS. All these “curses” are of recent invention. The “Bambino” is from the 1990s. The “Billy Goat” was a bar promotion until the 2000s.

No fries cheeps

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