Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Giants blowing their shot

Giants, brewers and cards all have MN:2 right?

Which really means the giants only have to win one of the next two since the cards and brewers play each other?

And the cards and brewers both get in if the giants lose both and the brewers win tomorrow^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1309927840574447617|twgr^share_3&

End of an era. Pence was never the best hitter or fielder, but he may have been one of the best teammates of all time. I will never, ever forget his triple hit on a single swing in the 2012 NLCS game 7 that broke the game wide open and led to their second WS in the decade.

Ah, here it is


Also, who can forget Hunter Pence signs

“Hunter Pence prefers baths” might be my favorite

Of the 20 markets that have won a WS, only two (Cleveland, Milwaukee) haven’t won one since 1969. Of the six markets that have never won a WS, San Diego is the oldest.

Years before first WS champ…

Years Market start first
0 Boston 1903 1903
0+ Buffalo 2020
1 Los Angeles 1958 1959
2 New York 1903 1905
3 Chicago 1903 1906
3 Milwaukee 1954 1957
3 Phoenix 1998 2001
4 Miami 1993 1997
6 Pittsburgh 1903 1909
7 Philadelphia 1903 1910
13 Baltimore 1953 1966
14 San Francisco 1958 1972
16 Cincinnati 1903 1919
16 Kansas City 1969 1985 also A’s 1955-1967 (29 total)
17 Cleveland 1903 1920
21 Washington 1903 1924
22+ Tampa 1998
23 St.Louis 1903 1926
26 Minneapolis 1961 1987
27+ Denver 1993
29 Atlanta 1966 1995
32 Detroit 1903 1935
43+ Seattle 1977 also Pilots 1969 (44 total)
49+ Dallas 1971
51+ San Diego 1969
55 Houston 1962 2017

ETA: fixed typo. FYI: Median is 16.


“Winfield goes back to the wall, he hits his head on the wall and it rolls off! It’s rolling all the way back to second base. This is a terrible thing for the Padres.”

Jerry Coleman, Padres HOF broadcaster.


“Rich Folkers is throwing up in the bullpen.”

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This is what has been lost.

We’ve traded away what made baseball different, and better, and great for 100 years. An old fashion pennant race was a gut-clenching ordeal which could go on for weeks. Sometimes two great teams, 100 win teams, would be battling it out, day by day… winner take all. Basically, a best of 163 series.

Now it’s just an incomprehensible mish-mash regarding teams that can’t even break .500, with any great teams locked in weeks ahead. It’s all trash now.

Yea but how many truly great pennant races have there been? Unless you a fan of one if the 2 teams, you don’t really care. The real crime was the Atlanta Braves being in the NL West. Had they been in the East where they belong, it would have been a Braves-Giants NLCS.

They don’t come along every year, that’s why they’re great. OTOH how many incomprehensible mish-mashes of mediocrity could ever be great… zero of-course, ever.

But you obliquely make another point of mine… now that they are doing interleague play (which I’ve always been a fan of), they need to get rid of the separate AL & NL playoff pools. Same thing in the NFL… get rid of the separate AFC & NFC playoff pools. Seed all the teams 1…N. This maximizes the chance of the best two teams meeting in the finals. The downside is… nothing.

Oh for sure. It’s BS when some .500 scrub gets HFA over a WC team because they happen to play in a shitty division.

You mean like this game (below).This issue is really apples/oranges to what I was chatting about.

Me & my AUian BIL were at this game, seated right up from where D.Sproles scored the winning TD. Which is a story…

My dad, who hates spectator sports, wanted to get his SIL tickets to a “sporting event” for his upcoming visit. He delegated me to do that. My BIL doesn’t GAF about FBS, but is a huge NFL fan. At the time, The Bolts were 4-8, so I figured no sense getting tix to the final RS game… peeps will be leaving them on their windshield at the mall (the joke being I left 2 tix on my windshield, and when I got back there were 4).

Of course, when he got to town, that game was a de-facto playoff game, and no tix were to be had. He understood perfectly. Well… the night before the game, the late great Palomar Card Room was running a promotion… they were going to raffle two pairs of tix to seated players, one at midnight, and the other at 2am when they closed. It was a small room… odds were ~ 1/45 each draw.

So I whiffed the first draw. But I got the attention of a player across the table. He said he was a professional musician, he had gig tomorrow, and he had 2 tix he couldn’t use. I asked “face value?”. He said “sure”. I said “do you mind if I wait until the 2nd drawing?”. He said “nope”. I whiffed the second drawing too. I asked “are we still on?”. He said “yes”. By complete coincidence, i happened to have pretty much exactly the face value of the tix in my rack… so I just shoved my rack to him, and he just tossed the tix to me.

My BIL was sleeping this whole time. The next morning we headed to the local to watch the morning game. At halftime, I suggested we take the trolley to another bar, one on the other side of the SDCCU. He said “sure”. Off we go. When the trolley got to the SDCCU stop, I said “we’re getting off here instead”. He still didn’t get what was going on until I said “let’s get in line” into the game.

You’re really missing the point here. If I’m a fan of the Mets and I hate hate hate the Yankees (for whatever reason these same-city fans hate the ‘other’ team from their city), it doesn’t warm my cockles that the Yankees have won a bunch of WS, raising my city’s average. I only care that the Mets have sucked for X years.

You’ve just arbitrarily decided that fans should be happy when a team they’re not a fan of wins.

No, I’ve arbitrarily decided that fans in two franchise markets are a buncha angle-shooters… but it’s sports, and anyone can pick their favs anyway they want.

We just went through this with the NFL. To most of us it’s unfathomable that a San Diegan would be a fan of the LA Football Clippers. To us, that team is the perverse result of another team the evil Spanos clan ripped from our hearts and killed forever, and they can all go hang. But a significant minority don’t see things that way, and are indeed fans of a team in, even worse, our forever main rival city.

It comes down to fans of their home (or adopted) town -vs- fans of some evil carpetbagging owner & his intellectual property. Raiders fans are the worst. Well in everything. But they don’t GAF where they play at all, they only care about the unis.

Are you a Mets fan if they move to Portland OR?^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1310311592555413504|twgr^share_3&

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OK, that wasn’t called for on my part. My bad.

Like I said, some fans are city-centric, some fans are franchise-centric, some fans are just plain eccentric. It’s all good. What matters is we enjoy the game, each in our own way.

Anecdotally, plenty of two-fanchise city fans are city-centric. They definitely have a strong favorite, but they follow the other team too.

I’ve found that a ton of Dodgers season tix holders are Angels season tix holders, and Giants season tix holders are A’s season tix holders. Heck, I used to have Angels season tix myself. Baseball has four shared markets, and one quasi-shared market (The Orioles and Nationals share media rights, but don’t have home game exclusivity)… my buddy has season tix to both those teams too.

In spring training AZ, where you can pick-n-choose who you see twice daily, if I go to an Angels night game, I’ll run into a ton of Dodger fans who were at the daytime Dodgers game. They’ll say “hell yeah I’m a Dodgers fan, but I’ll always check out the Angels when I can”. Same with the Giants and A’s. Same with the Cubs and White Sox.

Anyway, back to slagging on the worst baseball fans in existence… the MLB owners.

WTF with playing all the damn games simultaneously. I mean, I get it… they’re punting to the Fred Zone and NFL Sunday. But, common man… like, at least act like you like the sport you like, own.