Major League Baseball (Part 1)


the phrase Glenn Davis for Curt Schilling, Pete Harnisch and Steve Finley

lol recalled all the pieces from memory and spelled their names correctly!

I am not dead yet, baby


I’ll never forget the Tigers, after a magical '84 season, trying to extend the dream by trading with the Braves for Doyle Alexander. They gave up some unknown minor league pitcher named Smoltz or Schmots or something.


Jason Veritek and Derek Lowe for Heathcliffe Slocumb. Fucking Mariners. I hope they never win the WS.




Wait what?

Alexander was lights out for the tigers

Not a bad trade at all

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The play was in the bottom of the 6th of the 2020-9-6 Yankees@Orioles game… for those who want to q it up on

A ground ball called fair passing 1B veered into foul territory and the ball person down the right field line fielded it.

I didn’t even know that until yesterday.

The owners of my new Cubs come and go… but their r-word-ism remains a constant. The solution remains a constant too… fire the boss (the owners).

Happy Local Summer my fellow UnStuckers !!!1!

Local Summer, the day after Labor Day, is a holiday celebrated at the beach in San Diego. As Labor Day is the traditional end of the summer tourist season, Local Summer symbolically marks the day us locals get our beach back. Local Summer is also the day when MLB traditionally enters the pennant stretch run. Where are we at? The below is projected percentage making the playoffs.

W-L Team 538 BP ASSM FG
26-17 Sabo dog’s Padres >99 99.8 ~100 99.5
24-18 my new Cubs 97 97.4 95 96.6
18-23 Sabo’s new Reds 24 26.0 29 27.4

Sabo is eight years old. His Padres have never had a winning season during his lifetime… and LOL at being in contention past May Day. One thing you can say about Sabo (and San Diego sports fans in general) is that he is very loyal, and never would (or even could) be a front runner. We can only try to imagine his otherworldly shock waking up on Local Summer with his team being projected as an effective lock. Yes… it’s a strange, strange season.

As for Sabo’s new Reds… they’ve been both a disappointment and a puzzlement. Disappointing because they are five games under .500… and a puzzle because they’re a much better team, and a lot of their players are having pretty good seasons. Perhaps paradoxically, this should signify they are capable of playing much, much better the next three weeks. So even though they are a long-shot, they most certainly are not drawing dead.

My new Cubs are also having a good season. They aren’t an effective lock, but they are prohibitive favorites to make the playoffs. Speaking of Sabo’s new Reds and my new Cubs, today is…

Sabo Bowl #10,100
Who Tyler Mahle (1-1 3.90), Alec Mills (3-3 5.50)
Where Wrigley Field, Chicago IL
When 2020-9-8, 5:15 pm PDT
What I have yapping/taunting rights over Sabo
Why Sabo would surely like to flip things
How Sabo needs a win from his new Reds
How much pick -105

@Sabo why do you like the Cubs?

I like the Cardinals but only because I was born in STL.

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That’s a good Q.

First, my new Cubs and Sabo the dog’s new Reds were picked for this pandemic season’s segregated schedule. Me and Sabo already had teams in the “Western League” (his Padres) and “Eastern League” (my Red Sox). So, I figured we should both pick teams in the “Central League” to have a team to back (and create Sabo Bowls) in that pool too.

Of the eight unique central division cities: I’ve never lived in any of them. I’ve never visited friends in any of them. I’ve never been to MN or WI. I’ve been to MI but not to Detroit. I’ve only traveled non-stop through Kansas City and Cleveland. Sabo & me have taken day trips to Pittsburgh and Cincinnati to see MLB. I’ve been on overnight vacations to St.Louis, including one with Sabo to see MLB. I’ve also been on several business trips to St.Louis and Cincinnati.

Then we have Chicago.

I’ve been to Wrigley and Guaranteed Rate. I’ve made multiple vacation trips there. One of my best friends lived there. My previous dog, The Missile, lived her last three years there… and I was there when we sent her onward. Sabo’s been to Chicago. I had a long-distant gf there back in the day. My union’s GHQ has traditionally, and is currently, in Chicago. I’ve attended our yearly general assembly there twice. I’ve made the pilgrimage to the Haymarket Memorial. I have an interest in railroad history, and Chicago is the railroad capital of the world. My dad was born there. I’ve always said: “If you can’t have fun in Chicago, you can’t have fun period.” I’ve also been on several business trips to Chicagoland.

Cliffs: glory days in Chicago.

So… Cubs -vs- White Sox. I’m a NL guy. I’m into baseball history too, and the Cubs are the second oldest extant baseball team, predating even the majors, while Wrigley Field goes back to Chicago Whales of the Federal League.

But what really associates me with the Cubs is the era just before they installed the lights. Back then the Candlestick based Giants and Cubs played a majority of their home games in the daytime… but only Cubs played 100%. Not having lights was unique. Games suspended because of darkness were unique. Back then I was a professional sports bettor. Everyone in that niche, players and sports book workers, watched almost all the Cubs games… as they were always on WGN, and were often the only game on tv. The quick way to tell the difference between a player -vs- poser was to mention something semi-obscure that happened in a recent Cubs game. The first night they tried to play under lights in Wrigley we went to the local to watch the game… as a wake. We did it all again the next night when that game was rained out.

Cliffs: Glory days associated with the Cubs.


Need the Reds to crush Darvish tomorrow. Can’t let a scrub like him have a hot couple of games and take the Cy Young from deGOAT

What you really need is a close game but easy over. Sure Y.Darvish (7-1 1.44) is having a CY year, but T.Bauer (3-3 2.05) is in the CY conversation too. In fact, the Reds still have a doubleheader coming up, and if they pull a W.Wood and have him start both ends… those twin 7-inning shutouts could earn him the hardware.

My new Cubs victory in yesterday’s Sabo Bowl has ratchet up the stakes sky-high for Sabo the dog in today’s Sabo Bowl #I⁰I⁰I (5:15 pdt). This is because we agreed on the series rule: if my new Cubs win today, and Sabo’s new Reds win tomorrow, I’ll be able to reclaim Yapping|Taunting rights over him starting at midnight on Sep. 12th. After tomorrow’s Sabo Bowl, there proly won’t be another until 2023… when Sabo would be 11 years old.

Odds: Reds +140, Cubs -150.

Winds are blowing in at like hurricane 3 level at wrigly. Odds of Darvish getting rocked are pretty thin.

3 in the 1st thank you for the reverse jinx

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Thats why they pay me the big bucks. Or i pay draftkings the big bucks. One of those.

Braves put up 13 before my action even started. That sweet feeling of drawing dead before your players take the field.

And yet…