Major League Baseball (Part 1)

No news has made me happier in a while. He’s one of my most despised deplorables.


Time for him to pull out the “But I’m a man of faith” card.



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Where was Aubrey Huff when they were putting together that board? Could he get placed on it retroactively?

So Brennaman has now received endorsements from Schilling and Aubrey Huff? And his dad? Anyone else? No wonder he could see the writing on the wall.

They’re really going hard on the “BUT IT WAS A JOKE GUIZE” In the Huff tweet thread.

Sure didnt seem like a joke to me

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Nor did he say it was a joke during his apology. The guy naturally sounds angry and arrogant. He’s not exactly a laugh a minute. FOX has already pulled him from their football broadcasts.

There’s a bunch of missing context, but the best case scenario–which is not, I expect, what happened–is that he feels just fine about making an awful joke in front of a small pool of coworkers. That “joke” would get a lot of people fired.

In other words, didn’t sound like a joke, but even if it was, goodbye.

what was the joke?

Mets pozzed.

ETA: Tomorrow’s Yankees @ Mets cancelled too.

Schroedinger’s racist cat. Simultaneously just a joke, and yet something that people should be more forgiving about.

i heard what he said. what’s the joke?

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Exactly. I think they were saying he’d try to pass it off as “just a joke” when it clearly was not. He had real venom in his voice when he said it.

Even if he was “joking”. what’s the joke?!

You’d have to ask a deplorable that question, because I don’t know any jokes like that

I just want to know what place he was referring to.

As far as I understand, he was referring to some place as “one the f** capitals of the world”. I imagine he means there are a lot of gay people in it. What could be the joke? Are there no gay people in there actually? Are gay people funny?

I mean I don’t understand what could possibly be the ‘joke’. If he was mimicking a very homophobic sports broadcaster who totally isn’t him, then I get it. Unlucky we missed the opening part of the act.

I wasn’t a ha-ha joke. He was dissing some place. Along the lines of somebody we don’t hear saying “San Francisco traffic sucks” and T.Brennaman piling on with: [Yeah, and it’s… ] “one of the f** capitals of the world”… something along those lines. His apologists are claiming his comment was made in jest, which is another usage of the phrase “a joke”.

Calling people f*** is ha-ha funny to conservatives. They usually aren’t bright enough to understand actual humor because humor resides in the ambiguous and conservatives view the world in absolutes.

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