Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Quite the banner day for Milwaukee sports.

good job jinxing him Rivaldo :(

plus all the pitches betwixt innings!

here we goooooo

Should have been caught. Slightly overran it.

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yeah… took a weird route… unlike the route Canseco took on that ball that bounced off his head for a homer.

Lol and now bases loaded no outs and one run already scored

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tie game lol

Im watching Bmore toronto now. hope my birds can win it in extras!

worst ab maybe ever, by the O’s leadoff hitter who is somehow batting .320

swung at 3 curves out of the zone… the only 3 pitches he saw lmao


well that’s the least surprising thing ever.

he’s good at his job but annoying and it’s been obvious for a while he’s a deplorable.

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“perceived” lol

Now added to the Tuesday speaking lineup at the RNC: Thom Brennaman!


The #1 on that list is absolutely nuts.

Down 6 in the top of the 9th. 2 outs, bases empty.


  • Double
  • Walk
  • Single
  • Error
  • HPB
  • Single
  • Double
  • Intentional Walk
  • Single



It pisses me off when someone apologizes while saying “It’s not who I am,” when it’s clearly who they are.

Just apologize for being shitty, and say “I’ll try to be a better person.”


Exactly. If that’s not who you are, you don’t say stuff like that. And plus, you just don’t say things like that with a mike on. Ever. He should know that by now. Not a lot different than the “grab em by the pussy” comment. You’ve got a hot mike on. Someone is hearing you, even if its just in-house.

The guy always comes off as an arrogant prick. So this is in keeping with his image.

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I was watching the Reds game live. That was a truly bizarre exit from a broadcast. It sounded like T.Brennaman was as much saying goodbye as he was apologizing.

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Fucking cancel culture


Chances are, he was.

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eh, some lingo you said a lot when you were and around a bunch of stupid kids doesn’t always get filtered out before it exits your mouth even as an adult so I’m way more sympathetic than most here when shit like that flies out but he’s a professional announcer on a hot mic and I’m not sure what the correct punishment is–I’m not a fan of immediately a bunch of people demanding someone be fired over something that was clearly never intended to be publicially aired though. Reality is, that likely was the end of his career.

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