Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Aubrey Huff was trending on Twitter over the weekend for saying stupid shit again, this was a good burn
Also pretty fucked up for him to blame the downfall of society on dads not being there since he was raised by a single mom who made tons of sacrifices so this dipshit could make it to the majors and abuse PEDs.


FYP and F the Yankees.


If you build it, they will cancel…


So, how many players have to die or become permanently disabled from covid for baseball to shut down? What’s the O/U?

So far, we (might) have one.

Someone is going to win the title with a record of 24-18.

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Brewers manager pretty blunt:

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LOL this season.


Just declare the Braves champs now and dont make them play a postseason.


I know this is a dream not rooted in reality, but I wish MLB had just punted on a normal regular and post season and gone with a World Cup style format.

They could have taken the 30 MLB teams, plus added 1 each of Western and Eastern Hemisphere all-stars. Put those 32 teams into 8 groups of 4. Have 12 group games for each team. Top two teams from each group advance to a 16 team tournament decided by 3 game series in each of the first two rounds. 5 game series for the semi finals, 7 games for the final.

Easier to bubble, ratings bonanza, and a higher likelihood of completion.


fuck the Midwest, man. It’s been raining for like, a week straight. Even the non-COVID-delayed games are still delayed or postponed because of fucking rain.

argh…today was Sonny Gray day!

You all are finally witnessing “The Cardinal Way”

That would have been a good idea. I thought maybe a 30 team tournament. Best four of seven, Randomly draw one of the losing teams to move on, so that there’s 16 teams. Then keep going with 4 of 7 series until there’s a champ.

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too complicated for the typical 'murican baseball fan to understand. Just read the replies to any team’s tweets after a trade, you’ll see how well-informed they are.

Why do you think soccer has never been as popular here? Easy game to understand, but make the way to get to the champion too complex, and you’ve lost us.

The NCAA playoffs, including the CWS, use rounds of double elimination pools. This is a traditional and particularly baseball-ish way of doing tourneys, and it generates a somewhat different competitive dynamic than the plain-old rounds-o-series.

ETA: Or go super-pure…

Double round-robin of all 30 teams. One game tie-breakers if necessary. Best record is champion.

So having the best player in the game/history in baseball seems to have the least impact out of any sports. It’s nearly impossible to have the best player in the league and not make the playoffs in the NBA. Probably a pretty big stretch in NFL or even in soccer.

They are going to have to play like 20 4 inning double headers.

7 game difference in games played after 10 games isn’t unusual is it?

One team might eventually be 40-20 while another is 10-8 but it will all even out over time.

I know we have a few Cali/bay area bros and gals on the board. Sadly, SF sports talk legend Ralph Barbieri died today. He was the most consistent voice of my childhood and my father and I bonded a ton listening to The Razor and Mr. T while I was growing up.


Soccer is self selecting, its basically impossible for a “bad” or “lesser” team to even have a player to the level of Messi/Ronaldo. Edmonton missed the playoffs last year with McDavid.