Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Meh missing 60 games.
Never making the playoffs is going to affect his historical placement. I’d feel sorry for him if he didn’t just sign a lifetime contract.

Chadwick Tromp just homered for the Giants. MAGA.


I was thinking generally, not just about skipping the 60 games. Missing a season costs him a good 10 WAR.

Might be the all-time great.

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As a practical matter, it proly will. But this fixation is a buncha modern day crappola, which I feel has “bled over” from other sports. See: Ernie Banks.

Ted Williams missed 5 years. Trout can handle a season.

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Ted Williams missed multiple seasons during his prime because he fought in WWII and the Korean War.

A lot of all time greats have never won a WS. Williams, Banks, Bonds, Griffey, etc. Even Donnie Baseball has never won one and look at how Boomer Yankee fans act like he’s the messiah.

Not winning a WS is whatever.
Making the playoffs one time and never winning a single game isn’t.


He’s just not clutch. All he cares about are his own personal stats, selfishly accumulating WAR instead of bunting runners over like a winner.


Sadly, this is what a lot of fans think now-a-days. But it’s objectively wrong, and an historical anomaly. There’s a dozen HOFers who never appeared in the playoffs.

It does serve a purpose I guess. Every time some fool in the bar finishes a sentence with “… but he doesn’t have any rings.” I know I don’t need to listen to their opinions anymore.

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Counterpoint - give me nine David Ecksteins and I’ll win the WS every year.


… and played the final three years of his career with a frozen head.


Cubs, man

Yea I’m a Yankees fan and my biggest pet peeve about other Yankees fans is thinking Don Mattingly is a “real Yankee” while A-Rod isn’t a true Yankee.

Fitting that the Reds play in the first 7-inning games in MLB history. Add it to the pile.

I’m skeptical that the change was necessary, but it is what it is.

Edited to add: future trivia question answer: Trevor Bauer pitched the first 7-inning CGSO in MLB history

Undefeated in 7-inning games.

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Fixed your trivia Q. They give out complete games and shutouts in shortened games too.

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I mean, Bonds got as close as physically possible, so I just chalk it up as a win

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