Major League Baseball (Part 1)

they’re probably so dumb they’ll also switch clubhouses in that marlins/orioles series


Fun with standings.


meanwhile out west here, everyone’s played all the games and I really don’t want to have to become a Padres fan to watch baseball, but it seems like the midwest is like noah’s fucking ark right now and it never stops raining.

Who’s decision is it on rain delays? Home team or MLB? I thought it was home team, so Trevor should be mad at the Tigers organization for that decision. However, I do love that Bauer has absolutely no fucks left to give when it comes to holding MLB and Manfred’s feet to the fire. Also, he makes great vlogs.


In normal times, it’s the home team’s decision up until the lineups are exchanged, after that it’s the umpires call. However, I gotta figure R.Manfred is micro-managing things this year. Especially this game, which was moved up five hours in a futile attempt to avoid the rain.

Sabo the dog can’t believe what he’s hearing (as I read this post to him). He’s also a Reds fan for this season because his Padres are effectively in a whole different leagues which aren’t playing each other. And… the Padres went back to brown this season… how can you not get behind that?

I know, they look hot, but I feel dirty cheering for another team

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Counterpoint 1: Padres might be awesome in the next couple of years
Counterpoint 2: Bauer is an asshole

But he’s OUR asshole, dammit


play in the rain ffs

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Trev is awesome. eccentric cat, what little I know of him. but Ahole recognize ahole.

Birds are above 5 hundo!

should be 3-above .500, but they blew a 2-run 9th inning lead versus the yanks

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I’m a Padres fan and play NL only fantasy baseball and don’t watch baseball tonight or anything so I know more about a random NL teams players like the Arizona diamondbacks than the entire AL combined outside of major stars. It’s super funny when normal baseball fans will be like “did you see that crazy ending to the twins orioles game? A was up and hit sac fly to B who threw out C in a collision with D ” and I’ll have to stop them and explain that I have no idea who they’re talking about despite watching baseball every day during the season and they might be talking about nashville predators hockey players for all I know.

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Uhhhhh, does Cespedes have any history of head injury or concussions, or substance abuse?

This should be highly worrisome.



Maybe the wild boar’s piglets are grown up and looking for revenge.

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Extremely worrysome especially because the Mets are on the road.

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Yeah I’ve seen enough “We can’t find X” followed by “X found dead in hotel room” stories to last me a lifetime, and they almost always start out like this.

Really hoping that isn’t the case here.


The animals got their revenge