Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Thanks for posting.

:+1: There are more parts coming!


there isn’t a debate this year for AL MVP and that’s okay

ohtani needed to pitch more innings to get into one I think

If you get to pick one to be on your team next year, who are you taking?

I’m taking Ohtani

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deGrom getting hit hard again

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The Mets are bastard men!

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You can cut the tension with a butterknife

I’m happy Mariners finally make playoffs but I feel like it’s not legit because of expanded playoffs. I feel like I should be way happier about this.

Saw my first Albert Pujols game and my first Albert Pujols home run. 701 is pretty amazing



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Mariners have the best farm system in baseball: the Cincinnati Reds.


Jacob DeGrom is his own worst enemy.

The Mets offense sees him and subconsciously goes, “Hey, no need to hit balls today. We got DeGrom on the mound!”

If he was a bit vulernable as a pitcher, he’d get more run support.

Maybe DeGrom just isn’t clutch.

Degroms big problem is that with the DH he doesn’t get any run support now. They need to Ohtani him


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Phillies and Brewers tied for the last NL wildcard with 5 games to go. Phillies have tiebreaker.

Ohtani MVP.

Un-disprovable, but I’m pretty sure most teams would draft his season over Judge’s, (though not if you include the marketing the Yankees get to do over Judge’s fake HR race.)

PS I love Judge and hope the Giants overpay him to sign him.

How is this not an error?

Scorers still use the rule that if an OF doesn’t touch a fly-ball it’s not an error. This is obviously wrong as the rule book says something like an error is a play that a fielder could have made with reasonable effort, but scorers ignore that for some reason.

edit: the official rule is that “The Official Scorer shall charge an outfielder with an error if such outfielder allows a fly ball to drop to the ground if, in the Official Scorer’s judgment, an outfielder at that position making ordinary effort would have caught such fly ball.”

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