Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Now we have positive tests in the west.

I have no doubt MLB will continue to plow through. For how much longer though, who can say.


Might be done as early as Monday

Multiple players briefed on the call fear the season could be shut down as soon as Monday if positive tests jump or if players continue not to strictly abide by the league’s protocols.

Eric nadel has to be old as heck. He was doing rangers play by play when I was in high school.

Edit: only 69. Only in his mid 30s then when I first heard him.

Mark holtz and Eric nadel were a great announcing team. Can’t remember the format but they each did play by play for like three innings then swapped.

Maybe just contract the Marlins.

Was their expectation these rich spoiled athletes with god complexes were going to behave without stringent oversight?

Lol Miami has to become the Virus and not the Marlins. 20 out of 30 players.

Has anyone ever seen these protocols published? I know they exist. There was one player on the Phillies complaining that the Marlins all showed up to work out together. I’d love to read the actual protocol.

Edit: here is the actual mlb manual

I don’t know how complete this is.

I only got through the first one before laughing because nobody is doing any of this.

The league just decided yesterday they needed compliance officers. Pretty dumb face masks are not required in the dugout or bullpen.

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Thanks that’s awesome. It sounds like they’re really trying to do the right thing wrt to indoor contact. The devil comes down to teams actually enforcing it I guess - assuming it’s even enough.

I still think they just need to board up the club house and dugout. Find alternatives. Once you start saying - well only 6 players at a time - it becomes really easy to start fudging. Someone has to be cop, which nobody likes. A binary rule of no one goes in the club house period is much easier to enforce.

Who cares about the Marlins anyway. Fire the whole team for being idiots and let’s try again. We could be watching baseball right now, damn it! Instead the Jays have 5 days off a week into the season because of shit enforcement. Not sure where @MikeLikesOrgies is today, but I’ll take up the Let Them Play side of things until he’s back.

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99/100 times they should just cancel everything, but if they wanted to try something, a minimum 3 week freeze of all games, play regular season into October, then trim the playoffs and/or go into a bubble for the playoffs

Lmao I saw a chyron on ESPN maybe yesterday, that college football was going to limit the captains that meet at midfield pregame to 1 per team… the bullshit token half-measure idiocy of this fucking country is honestly hilarious



The public rational for opening up team sportsball for business was that diversion and entertainment can help people cope… now that a ton of folks are at home and most everything is closed. In short, just like during WW1 & WW2, baseball claimed they were good for civilian morale.

That being the case, everything should have proceeded like a public health advertisement… it should have been a daily lesson on how life can go on while at the same time going above & beyond following all the public health recommendations. It should have been a clinic in how to socially distance, how even athletes can wear masks even while playing, and they should be showing everyone washing their hands all game long.

Instead it was just a money grab, and looking to be a farce. Which prompts the Q: what are they going to do next season?



Fuck are broadcast teams even doing at the stadium? I’m like 100% positive the team for the Braves game I saw last weekend were broadcasting from Bristol. I guess maybe the local/radio guys were in the stadium but it’s not necessary at all. Technology has solved this already. JFC.

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It is not clear any of these sports are considering this might have to continue into their next season.


For Yankees games Michael Kay, David Cone, and Meredith were in Yankee Stadium while the team was on the road. They showed them at the Stadium in the press booth with no lights on everywhere else in the Stadium watching the game on monitors. Paul O’Neil is broadcasting from his basement.

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Season should’ve been over when all the marlins got it and now you’re going to get a bunch more positives for nothing. Hopefully nobody ends up perishing.


End the season now, Nationals back-to-back champions, woooooooo.


I think PC is a Braves fan.

Fuck you.