Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Just nuke the season already.

Since the Cardinals were just in Minnesota, does the Twins/Cleveland Baseball Team series get played?


This shit was never going to work. Can’t have every team flying everywhere to play baseball during a pandemic.

Also the players are way too stubborn to even try to socially distance on the field. They cram themselves into the dugouts, spit everywhere, non-stop high fives after every homerun, ect…

oh well last team to get Covid wins I guess.

Gonna be a lot of players trying to hide covid symptoms.

Team doctors prob do the same too.

For some reason I read the comments on the Jays’ Facebook post about the cancelled weekend series against the Phillies and I was surprised to see a large majority of comments calling to cancel the season. MLB really messed this up.

Athletic reporter says that it’s two Cardinals pitchers who have positive tests.

And it appears Dexter Fowler (and likely some of his teammates) went out and played Whistling Straits on his off day yesterday. Now golf may be a better recreational activity than, say, a gentlemen’s club, but safe to say these players aren’t taking the situation seriously.

edit: (seems to have been taken down)

MLB owners producing a clown show that only indecently involves baseball…

A source told ESPN’s Jesse Rogers that if what is happening with the Cardinals had occurred before the Marlins’ outbreak, Friday’s game at Miller Park would still be played.

They are just making up a ‘plan’ as they go. It seems the push now is to turn MLB into MiLB, complete with 7-inning games and long bus rides…

The postponed game has been rescheduled as part of a doubleheader on Sunday, with the first game to start at 2:10 p.m. ET. The league and the MLB Players Association agreed Thursday to stage seven-inning doubleheaders

The Miami Marlins, after an 18th player tested positive for COVID-19 on Friday, are getting multiple sleeper buses to take infected players and coaches from Philadelphia to Miami, sources told ESPN’s Jesse Rogers on Friday.

It’s truly mind boggling that with billions of dollars on the line, there are no adults in the room. You would think that even out of pure self-interest there would be an incentive to have a safe plan in place.

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So we’re watching the marlins continue to get new positives every day for a week after the initial positives, but they decide to postpone today’s Cards game to… two days from now?


God damn who is going to drive a bus with several infected baseball players on it. That sucks.

I was one of the ones who thought sports could be done safely, but my god. A week in and we have 3 teams out of commission. I never expected this shitshow.

I don’t understand why flying is so dangerous for these guys. Don’t teams charter their own planes? So they’re not encountering the general public except maybe at the airport. Can’t they bus them directly to the tarmac? I’m sure there’s something I’m missing about this issue.

You’re missing the fact that these sportsbros can’t stop themselves from sneaking out to go to strip clubs and restaurants and whatnot.

Maybe nobody will fly covid positive passengers, while bus companies will rent buses to them?


Don’t the umpires still rotate around? If the Crads test positive, does the team get shut down while the umps move on to the next game?

Was surprising how many people on Twitter were mad that they canceled the cardinals game for one positive test (now two). It’s like they are not paying attention at all.

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And playing grabass in the locker room and dugout.

This was never going to work and anyone with any understanding of infectious disease knew it. Lol MLB.

I do think NBA might pull this off mostly because they have these pesky things like rules and stuff. Did @MikeLikesOrgies get banned or why has he been so quiet while the MLB and NFL are actively disintegrating.

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