Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Is it really surprising that a league that’s being dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century (replay reviews, automatic balls/strikes) is stubbornly sticking to old ways of doing things?

B-but they’re making the game more exciting! By 2030 they’ll have gotten rid of one of the bases and added home run derbies between innings, but they’ll still have a fat dude crouching down and squinting to figure out if a pitch crossed the plate above the batter’s knees.


So goodbye NL East, I guess?

I hope dodgers win a WS after like 40 games played total. The tears will be delicious.

Going to be so many double headers.

ugh, I hate when a rival is right


Shane Bieber is mowing down the twins

Eh it’s fine, Manfred will just have them play four 3-inning games. Integrity, schmintegrity.


Another day, another wholesale shuffling of the schedule…

Well, I’m sure we are both terribly disappointed that Sabo Bowl #10001 was rained out. No make-up date announced.

OTOH, my esteemed companion, Sabo the dog, can’t be too upset… as he retains Yapping|Taunting Rights over me until August 28 (or proly 2023). Sabo hasn’t been rubbing it in however… he did a small about of yapping ~5pm today, that and a small amount ~6am have been it so far, He’s a good guy !!!1!

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8 innings, 13ks, shutout. he’s now averaging 13.5 k per game.

Sounds like you’re a Belieber.

Why not? They could spin a giant multiplier wheel before each game.

Getting closer to my plan for Little League. Now they just need to board up the locker rooms and move the dugouts completely outside.


Right now Selig must be thinking “and look at all the shit I caught for allowing ties in the all-star game!”.

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I am sure this is nothing.

Cardinals' Next Two Games Postponed After Positive Covid-19 Tests - MLB Trade Rumors.

Cardinals pozzed. They never made it to Miller Field, so they haven’t infected the Brewers.

They didn’t cancel any games when Sabo’s new Reds pozzed, so maybe it’s just this one game gone. Or… maybe the “Central League” is going to implode like the “Eastern League” is in the process of doing. In which case… all 10 “Western League” teams, and six pickup squads I guess, make the new 16 team playoffs.

ETA: Silver lining perhaps: If the season collapses before another double header is played then the baseball gods are spared the injury of 7 inning games in the majors.

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It’s the least of anyone’s real worries, but this is why I wanted my fantasy leagues to scrap the season. This is ridiculous.