Major League Baseball (Part 1)


I think bonds and Clemens should be in the hall. Even without steroids they would be some of the best to ever do it.


Yeah I’m the camp of Bonds GOAT, don’t care about the PEDs


Think the argument that they had HOF careers prior to any ped use makes the cheating worse and more of a reason to keep them out. They had a greater responsibility to protect the game’s integrity (and their own legacies) than the middling journeyman who was desperate to try stay employed.


I have no problems excluding known PED cheaters from the HOF. Just like I feel it’s proper that Jackson and Rose are excluded.

Yea I assume most people that complain about Bonds still are either dumbass boomers or people with a rooting interest that caused them to hate him at the time and still resent his success. It doesn’t take anything away from Judge’s insanely good season to state that Barry Bonds had better ones.

dude was juiced to the gills, i’m not sure how it isn’t a slight to Judge to be like “well this guy that cheated did better, so”

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If the people who actually ran the game had no interest in protecting its integrity, I’m not going to vilify the players for doing likewise.

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Everybody did it is a fucking Trump defense.

Bonds, Clemens, and all are getting exactly what they deserve.


Sabo and Dan,

OK, Boomers

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To clarify, I don’t consider not being in the HOF being vilified.

So, we should kick Papi out?

I know its hard to prove a negative, but how do we not know that Judge is juicing? Isnt it at leaat partially likely that there are non-detectable substances to current tests out there that are helping him?

Lol this fucking headline

It’s not well known that the HOF is a family owned non-profit. It isn’t owned by or is an official organ of MLB. Their policies are set by their board of directors/etc.

Like the Heisman trophy in college football, there is no process to unaward/uninvite.

My view is that being in the HOF != being one of the best 1% of historical players (about 1% of all players are HOFers). The discussion of who is a HOFer is a distinct discussion -vs- who is a top 1%er. Again, just like the discussion about who is a Heisman winner is a distinct discussion -vs- who is the best FBS player that season.

Right but the point is you said you have no problems with PED cheaters being kept out, yet we have a positive test from Papi and he was let in anyway. I was just assuming you would agree he shouldnt be as per your previous statement.

As I mentioned, I have no use for cheaters, but I figure once you’re in you’re in.

The worst, again in my opinion, is litigating these second level thingies after the fact. To bring up FBS again, that crap about vacating wins is the nut low.

Anyways, if we are chatting about kicking folks out of the HOF, we need to start with evil slime K.Landis.


Papi wouldn’t be in. The problem is the hundreds of minor leagers and thousands of high school kids that take the PEDs based on those assholes. Watched my sons catcher teammate bulk up to get a football scholarship. Destroyed his body.


Yeah I know a lot of dudes that were on roids and maybe other stuff in high school and college. One got enormous and was drafted by the White Sox, flamed out in rookie ball, and is now is super thin and about 50 lbs lighter. Another (college football) used to roid rage pretty hard and was close to doing a murder suicide. In total I probably know two dozen of these guys.

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Another son had a friend that got into weight lifting. Was a very nice kid. Ended up doing time for assaulting a female friend. Presumably in a roid rage.