Major League Baseball (Part 1)

18 up, 18 down for Nats so far tonight.

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Technically not MLB but close enough


I only know that team through Destin at SmarterEveryDay

And now through fireworks accidents

The inherent danger of fireworks is at least half of the fun.

This Lou Tribute from Tram is making it a little dusty over here.

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All the people that didn’t lose an eye had a great time!


The local firework stands were all Safe and Sane crap back in the 70’s and 80’s. We had to improvise by pinching the tops of Piccolo Pete’s down with pliers and holding Ground Bloom Flowers until the last possible moment before throwing them as high as possible. Sometimes they flew off into the distance, sometimes they were scary. Fun! My roomate used to spend $1500 at the reservation and would come home with shit that would rattle windows. He bought a bunch of rockets and stuffed M-80’s down the tube and fired them off. He was supposed to clip the fuses and didn’t, so the M-80’s were dropping to 15 feet before going off. Then it dawns on my other roommate that each rocket has had it’s own unique flight path and we should make sure we don’t shoot one into the neighborhood. Other roomie looks at him like he’s stupid and says “Dude, I have no control over where these go!”. Right on queue, next rocket gets about 15 feet up before going sideways right into someone’s back yard and exploding. I have shitloads of fun fireworks stories. One of my best ideas involved an M-80 and a wasp’s nest . I threw the thing in there from at least 10 feet away and took off running immediately but they still managed to sting me a few times.

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This is the same clown that lost the ball in the lights a couple of weeks ago and then stood around with his thumb up his ass as the guy rounded all the bases.

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Romano for the Jays is fun to watch. swagger lol even without his best stuff

Plz stay healthy DeGrom. K thx.

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Degrom perfect through 5 1/3

Jinxed the perfect game :(

Anyway, no hit through 5 2/3

Shit, jinxed the no-hitter. Don’t need to jinx the shutout either :frowning:

Wow @ taking him out. Guess he’ll have another typical pitch awesome but get no decision because the Mets blow it

They were saying all day he was planned for 6 innings, 75 pitches max. Too bad he couldn’t get through the 6th clean. Amazing effort today.

Need 6 outs from someone other than Diaz. :grimacing:

I was glad when Jake gave up the walk, because I knew he was likely coming out at the end of the inning.
There was no way he was ever going past 7 innings today.


Trying to not get my hopes up too much for this Mets team.

Mets lead, O’s lead!

Screenshot from 2022-08-09 20-33-29

0.229 BABIP. Still doing sort_by_ERA in 2022. I would send all of these voters to Guantanamo.

I like bWAR better than fWAR for pitchers. I feel like fWAR punishes pitchers who get weak contact too much.