Major League Baseball (Part 1)

This is correct. To elaborate, balls lost in the sun, moon, or artificial stars are considered the equivalent of a ball that takes a bad hop. No error. Another possibility is losing the ball coming out of the crowd background.

In general, and contrary to popular misbelieve, you don’t have to touch the ball to get an error. This is stated directly in the rule book (rule 10.12, err comment on 9.12(a)(1) "It is not necessary that the fielder touch the ball to be charged with an error). Of course, there is a whole lot of unwritten rules to score keeping too. As a practical matter, an OF is only going to get an error on an untouched ball if (a) it rolls between his legs, or (b) in the situation where 2 or more fielders all pull up short and look at each other while a pop-up drops between them.

No I understand the rules as written. Just sucks the P gets a grand slam conceded on a fly ball to center.

Have an issue with the left fielder also. He should have realized immediately that Duran was lost (the play-by-play guy knew it) and ran over hard to cover him sooner.

It would be very on brand for this year’s Jays to outscore Boston 35-15 in this series and still drop 2 out of 3.

Clearly forgetting Dave Stieb.

I’m a Secret Base stan but their documentary series on Dave Stieb was amazing.

It’s a four parter but you don’t have to binge watch them.


Stieb was the best. I still hate that he was washed right when the Jays finally got over the hump.

The LF should have been backing up the play regardless. He’s got one job, for goodness sake.

Instead he looked the fool too, seen sliding on the warning track, behind the CF who was then just staring off into space.

Dave Stieb was better than Jack Morris.


Damn right he was.

I just assumed Jack Morris, and then I looked up Stieb–who I now see was an absolute beast in the early 80s.

Surprising for me to learn that at 5.9, Jack Morris’s career K/9 was significantly higher than Stieb’s.

Stieb’s best season was leading the league in ERA at 2.48 on a team that won 99 games

and he went 14-13.

Jack Morris won 21 games on the Jays at 37 vs Stieb’s highest of 17 in his entire career, and was completely washed up at 34. (btw, that was the same year/team of Stieb being washed up and Morris winning 21 games)

Morris wins

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A huge part of Captain Ahab is their rivalry in the 80s.

And how they become teammates in the 90s

I can’t tell if you’re sincerely using lol pitcher wins or being sarcastic.

giphy (2)


Two MVP candidates missing, nbd

I wonder how many expected wins playing in Canada has been worth for Toronto. Got to be at least a few.


and Fenway

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Feels like Trashtros are cheating again. They aren’t fooled by anything.