Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Plus hitting is way down this year, so it’s even worse than that.

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Fwiw the games are still free on Apple TV+, you just have to download the app and make an Apple account if you don’t already have one. But yeah, this broadcast splintering is super annoying. The Apple broadcast crews are terrible, and the camera work is just ridiculously bad (they can’t get the exposure right and it’s way too dark, but they’re constantly fiddling with it live so it goes light / dark / light / dark).

There are more Reds fans up in here than at the game. Also, wtf MLB could fuck up a free lunch. There are not enough buttons to signal every pitch on their new “technology”.


I like how on that graph the overall accuracy average is 94%

That means like pitches are called incorrectly every game

It’s madness

Putting the first two on with a two-run lead to face the two GOATs in the bottom of the 9th is a super bold strategy.

I would like to see how many that are incorrect by more than some small margin (2”)? Given movement of the ball, no one has shown that the computerized zone is perfect. Are 90% of the wrong 6% super close is it more like half?

Tennis has it down to 1 millimeter

I’m sure a billion dollar industry like baseball can get the same technology in place

It’s only 30 stadiums.

Definitely not trying to be an ump apologist but I think tennis has it easier with the dimensions being fixed whereas every batter has a unique “strike zone” since it is defined (to my knowledge) based on references to the batter’s body which can change based on things like posture, etc.

Not sure how you could do millimeter precision but obviously you can do it way better with much less subjectivity.

It’s 2022 I’m sure they can figure it out

I think the overall vibe of 2022, up to this point, means we are much, much closer to going back to two ump crews than we are to a perfectly called strike zone.

I really don’t know. Fixed points on a surface are different than a three dimensional area suspended in air with ball curving in or out of the zone plus a batter and catcher in the direct vicinity.

I’m sure it’s close but is it perfect? For whatever reason, baseball is a sport where I hate the instant replay and love the umpire angle. I’d like something that corrects major errors but bang bang plays you just live with the result. But that’s not the real world.

Got to see this in person yesterday!


Speaking of umps. Guy in the tigers As game having a go today

Called miggy 1-0 pitch a strike. At least 3-4 below the zone

Just brutal

Two batters later. Scoop up with first and second two outs

First pitch 3 inches below the zone


Just brutal

One of the Tigers tv announcer is an auto mute. Such a whiny, monotone voice and analytic basher. He sux.

The tv guys are worse than the team

Shep sucks

Morris sucks

Gibson is the WOAT announcer


White Sox done fucked theyselves

Josh Naylor… what a name

Trout / Ohtani back to back
I’d love to see those 2 get hot at the same time

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