Major League Baseball (Part 1)

They can’t just call the game it seems. There’s always some kind of gimmick. Eduardo Perez has an annoying voice. Karl Ravech seems bored with the game much of the time. He’s a little more animated tonight than normal.

this game is boring with a terrible ump and everyone just wants to catch the next flight home

I’m certainly pleased that Angel Hernandez gave Hader that third strike call on Schwarber (after calling a strike a ball earlier in the AB), but I also happy that Schwarber’s lit into Hernandez. That was some of the worst umping I’ve ever seen.

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At least Cowboy Joe retired

People are upset w Girardi for not getting himself tossed a few innings earlier.

No shock it was a 1-0 game.

well that can’t be, given he’s been doing it forever at least 25 years.

I believe he’s known for wanting to get a night game over quickly and also being awful but yikes that was bad.

Hernandez also has a terrible personality trait where he seems to respond to complaints about somewhat bad calls with escalation. Like if you complain about a strike that was just off the plate, he’ll call the next one a foot off the plate just to Make A Point. Most of his worst calls come after the players have already been complaining.

It’s really dumb that technology exists to calls strikes at a 99.5% rate yet we just let humans fuck it up all day.

It’s like tennis in the 80s


Baseball is too connected to tradition.

As are its fans.

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What’s funny is the media/twitter/whatever is focusing on the Schwarber call because it was the 9th inning and that’s when he blew up, but that might have been the least egregious ball/strike call of the night. At least that was close.

Its also a cumulation of the entire night. Sure its the least egregious, but its like “Fucking again?”

Yup, exactly. I’m relieved that the calls went against both teams, too, so everyone was thankful to Schwarber for taking one for both teams.

I checked in on a Brewers message board after one AB when Lauer was pitching. Hernandez called an obvious strike a ball and then rung the batter up on an obvious ball. A poster wrote, “Hernandez taketh away and Hernandez giveth.”

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Lol that is absolutely brutal.

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I agree it’s fine for robot umps and there should be a very objective strike zone, but I can at least understand how some umpires have a larger or smaller strike zone than others. It’s stupid but I understand it

But if you’re THAT inconsistent? You’re legitimately bad at your job. You’re making calls based on how you feel in the moment which is bullshit

lol - the least egregious bullshit strike call was the most impactful and even that one was still obviously a ball.

#3 is the strike called a ball that I mentioned earlier. I think the batter struck out on the pitch to the left in that diagram, between #2 and #3.

Hader’s little grimace is great.

By the way, because of the lockout, schedules are weird.

Brewers just played three in Philly, are home today for ONE game against SF, then go to Pittsburgh for three.

SF just had a long road trip in Cleveland, NY, and DC, stop in Milwaukee for tonight’s game, then fly home for a two-game series against Oakland (followed by a regular three-game weekend series at home).