Major League Baseball (Part 1)

OK, MLB is now just making the schedule up as they go…

The Yankees, also marooned in Philadelphia since Monday, will now travel south and play two games against the Orioles at Camden Yards on Wednesday and Thursday.

Jeter has always ignored and mis managed outbreaks


I’ve played in stick ball tournaments that have prepared more diligently but A for effort.

This post is going to age like a fine wine.


I guess it’s not entirely accurate. Matt Davidson tested positive Friday but I listened to it 3x on mlb network. There really hasn’t been much news outside of the Marlins tho. Hopefully the rest of the league will take things seriously after the Marlin debacle.

I find it odd that on a forum that splintered off a gambling forum that some are so openly rooting against sports.

In over 6,400 tests conducted since Friday, July 24th, there have been no new positives of on-field personnel from any of the other 29 Clubs. This outcome is in line with encouraging overall data since the June 27th start of testing. Through last Thursday, July 23rd, 99 of the 32,640 samples – 0.3% – had been positive.

This is so dumb. If you play professional sport in regular conditions you will get covid. Could be today, could be next month. Wtf did Ryan Braun think gonna happen?

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He probably trusted that the league/teams would handle it better than they are.

By doing what? You either play in a bubble and even then you are likely to have some cases eventually, or you gonna get covid and yolo it.

I don’t get what the MLB can do while playing in this format

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Braun prolly just hates getting tested.


As has been mentioned, there is literally no enforcement of social distancing. There is no reason to have dugout celebrations (including hugs). Only people in dugout should be people playing - have everyone else in stands/locker room. Then make everyone stay seating six feet apart (other than when on deck). It’s really should not be that hard.

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I’ve watched about 15-16 games and most of them are doing just what u mentioned, senseless, mindless actions that are all—EV. I don’t even know why they have to be in the clubhouse except for medical treatment. At least most teams are getting no cases so I’m still positive.

Davidson on the Reds was tested Friday and got positive result Saturday so I guess they mean Saturday-Monday tests given.

They have 2 other guys sick right now that we will likely find out have it in the next few days and I think more this week will test positive. Again, 4 days after exposure there is still 40% false negative so we have a few more days for this “second generation” of baseball cases to show itself.

Or maybe I’m wrong and Davidson didn’t spread it to teammates and the two who are sick right now are sick with a cold.


To get to a good place as a country we need the following things at least:

  1. Mask up in public
  2. No eating or drinking other than takeout
  3. WFH whenever at all possible
  4. No large gatherings (concerts, sports, etc)
  5. No indoor places that aren’t needed (yes to grocery, no to roller skating rinks)
  6. No schools

If we get down to very few cases, like most countries, then we can have sports and maybe schools. But we have to do those 6 things first to get to a point where we can consider them.

Like the player said, sports are the reward of a functioning society.

We see how much people became more lax when we opened back up; people don’t take it seriously and aren’t doing what is needed and when they see bars open and sports running (nfl wants 10k fans in stadiums!) then they go lax in other areas.

I want us to do the right thing as a society to prevent 100ks of needless deaths and lower the case count to where we could actually test and trace.

I’m starting to think it’s the players resisting this kind of stuff the most.

The NFL players weren’t even into the facemask idea - the simplest thing ever that players have used often with no detriment. So I’m guessing if you try to tell them - hey no locker rooms, show up like little leaguers, play, leave - they’re like nah forget it then we won’t play.

Solid joke.

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Of course with the 60 games in 66 day schedule that will be easy.

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