Major League Baseball (Part 1)

It will be interesting to see how books handle season win totals for Balt & NYY. I played over 21.5 Balt and am drawing dead after 2 Marlin games get cancelled and 2 get switched to yanks lol

So Soto testing positive in 3 out of 6 tests is what?

Nobody said easy.

Maybe he was t counted as on the field personal? Idk. I’m just forwarding the mlb report. If 5 of 6400 test were negative, that’s not a win?

No, sports are the choice of a functioning democratic society. America chooses sports. U don’t, I’m going to enjoy them. There is nothing I can do about baseball being back so I’m going to savor every pitch.

Batting .500 2020 style.

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this ump in the Reds-Cubs game already pissing me off. missed at least two strikes in that inning alone.

Time for robot umps, dammit

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Outfielder missing some stuff too Lololo. Wtf was that? I’ve seen it a few times this year.

I blame the architect for aligning the stadium wrong. It’s always like this in high summer…the afternoon sun is literally right in their eyes

I love the audio. This is like a listening to a softball beer league game at times.

lol totally. One of the announcers said it was like a high school rivalry game.

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I feel like if inherited runners score it should be split between the starter and the reliever

wtf - did the free trial of Extra Innings just end in the middle of a game? I was watching Brewers/Pirates and it bailed to the default schedule screen that you see when you don’t have a subscription. Weird.

The Dodgers just injected 5 runs w out an extra base hit.

I’m regretting not betting the Twins at 13-1. It seemed too short.

SF +150 overnight should come down some.

My takeaway is: playing in a bubble has the same chance of working as not playing in a bubble–zero.

had to know that was coming

Finished 60ish out of 29k entries. Does not pay much :(
Used the catcher from the wrong stack

It would be “fun” (for the nerdiest among us) to assign weighting to all the inherited runners and recalculate earned runs. I think you could come up with something pretty simple, for example if the starter leaves a runner on 3rd with no outs that runner probably scores a high % of the time. Maybe 80% or something so the starter gets charged with 0.8 ER regardless of outcome, the reliever coming in gets assigned the residual. A really amazing reliever could possibly even run a negative ERA which would kind of make sense.

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