Major League Baseball (Part 1)

2/3rds of the league is fine. This is why they separate. Retract the Marlins and move on.

I dunno if that’s necessarily a thing because you need to include all of the people who totally bricked doing that. Some of my biggest winning nights are when I was basically locked into a player that blew up, but that should be obvious, right? Like last year I goofed an export on a slate and was locked into Trea Turner at SS in 100% of my lineups. He was like 2% owned and blew up for 60 points or something crazy I finished up like $10k.

Edit: I think this strategy is probably worst in baseball. It’s probably better in NBA and NFL, especially hard fades. There was one night in NBA a few years ago where Beal was like 90% owned and gates did a 100% fade and won everything.

Tests are 40% likely to be false negative 4 days after exposure (100% on day one of exposure) so they really should be waiting a week or more because tests taken today and yesterday will not be accurate.

Tho I’m unsure if you test negative when contagious.

I don’t think that’s obvious tho. One strategy is to spread around your exposure as much as possible and ‘covering all your bases’ (obviously you can’t really do that with 150 lineups).

In NBA my strategy last year was an extreme hard fades/locks. Naturally that will cause higher variance, but i think it’s the only profitable way to play large gpps.

So, the take away is this: not playing in a bubble has zero chance of actually working.

You can play 500 contests per slate in NBA and MLB afaik so chance for 500 uniques across all tournaments. But that’s about $20k of entries per slate per site. Pretty sure that’s what awesemo and some others do.

Like you I prefer taking a big position over a small number of lineups. It works pretty well in the higher stakes single and capped entries where people don’t run out every crazy combo.

One thing I can tell you about MLB is that on a normal-sized slate, there’s practically never a hitter that should be more than 20% or so owned in tournaments. The variance in baseball hitters is just too high. JD Martinez being 40% last night is silly. Pitchers are sort of the opposite and I can definitely see going nearly all-in on someone.

Lol apparently the Marlins and Phillies will quarantine and make up games later. Yea, I’m sure that will work.

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Ken Rosenthal! There’s a blast from the past.

Are u even a baseball fan?

Lol, I remember that game!

I love it when he goes to the plate and says “fuck you and your stupid shift” and puts the ball in the exact spot where’s it’s least likely to be fielded.


An entire team out after three days. Sad!


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Got front row Fenway tickets two years ago for an afternoon Saturday game against the NYY Paid like $140 on stubhub an hour before the game. We were sitting in folding chairs, but honestly I’ll take those over cramming like sardines in a normal Fenway seat. Seats were also right on top of the bullpen which was pretty cool.

I think the best seats at Fenway are on the Monster. Three years ago got standing room only tickets against the NYY for $100. Then the correct play is to check stubhub/Ticketmaster or whatever and see what actual seats on the Monster remain unpurchased cause those go for like $500 a ticket. You can get lucky if no one ends up buying them and you can sit there knowing you’re not actually taking someone else’s seat.

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Since last Friday 6400 mlb tests from the other 29 teams. Zero positives, it u won’t see @Nicholasp27b ever post the good news will ya?

Sections 1-5 in right field are literally pointing away from home plate. The seats were made for little people for sure.

Ehh, it’s not his fault. Miami is ground zero right now.