Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Reds HOF is cool. The park is fine but I can’t think of anything too notable about it. It has sort of a weird architectural feature which is a cutout in the 3B side of the stands giving (not much of) a view into downtown.

My most recent parks are Wrigley in 2017 and Progressive the following year. Let it be known that the Indians have really good ticket prices so I decided to do it up. I think I paid $120 for Diamond Box Front Row. Reds want twice that to watch them get clobbered.

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I’m a sucker for front row seats at baseball games. I got visitor dugout in Camden $118 and front row right field line in Toronto for 80$. Both vs Red Sox. Woulda got clobbered 3-5x that at Fenway.

Did he take a shit on the field like Lance Berkman used to do?

I like to be able to see pitch movement if I go to a baseball game. Scout line of sight basically. Here I was too off center to read movement but I was able to see something else: Tyler Mahle was clearly tipping pitches. I’m not completely sure the batters could see it from their angle but the Indians scored about 20 runs. Mahle was bad in 2018 and I’m pretty sure that’s why. He would–in an almost Teddy KGB-like Oreo manner–spin the ball in his glove (to get back to a four-seam grip I believe). Even more comically, from the stretch he would put the ball on his back hip and spin it there for the runners to see.

Cubs game was also against the Reds (total coincidence as well, just happened to be in town). That was the first time I’ve seen a team use four outfielders, and they did it against Votto who doubled down the 1B line. I recall them playing a weird shift on that AB where all of the infielders moved closer to 3B after each strike. A count-dependent shift. Cubs won 15-5.

Variance: In those two games, I witnessed Ryan “Scooter” Gennett hit two home runs himself and also surrender one as a pitcher.


I probably told this before somewhere, but I used to go Tigers games in the late 90s whenever the White Sox were in town.

The Tigers were really bad and still playing at Tiger Stadium. I was frequently at games where I was the only person in the section. You could sit pretty much anywhere with any ticket except the area right behind home plate which had more ushers than seated fans.

One night a foul ball gets hit into my section. I could have walked to the ball but I’m way too cool to bother because who cares about a stupid foul ball and I’m just a super cool angsty teenager who doesn’t care about dumb stuff like that.

A bunch of kids come running into my section to get the ball. They’re coming over seats and running down from the foyer(?). I’m just chilling, leaning back like I’m James Dean in a 3xl t-shirt on my 95-pound beastly frame with some matching windbreaker pants that honestly had me well ahead of today’s top streetwear designers.

Anyways, these kids come in, and a kid about 8 gets to the ball first. A 12-year-old kid straight dropkicks him in the face and takes the ball. The younger kid’s nose must have been broken, there was so much blood. Security was there almost immediately, so I just slinked away.


The first time Sabo stepped onto the field at Dodger he was dead center on the warning track… and took a poop. As a fanatical Padres fan, you got to give him respect for that shit.

He also marked the old on-field visitor bullpen at Oracle back when it was called AT&T.


Is this the “kid?”

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It was that obvious that the 12-year-old was me huh? Damn it.

I hope he’s still tipping them. Coincidentally I played over in today’s Reds Cubs game b4 u posted that. Why do u think nobody on his team saw what u did?

The only baseball game I went to was last year Angels vs Oakland at the Coliseum.
It answered my question of 'what a sport arena would look like in communist Russia if designed by the way 1950’s Americans imagined the USSR to be like".


I was able to get fantastic seats all the time when the Expos were in their death throes. I walked up and got a seat right behind home plate to see Tony Gwynn get his 3000th hit.

I got another one right in front of third base for a Randy Johnson start when he was with the DBacks. He warmed up like ten feet in front of me before the game, I was amazed by how much bigger he seemed in person.


4 more players on Marlins test positive.

They’ve cancelled today’s Phillies game too. Like I posted above…, WTF not being able to turn a clubhouse over in two days. If that’s the level of MLB’s expertise here, might as well stick a fork in this season… because it’s soon to be done.

@Sabo. Why did your dog get to go on the field?

I think they canceled because some players were still waiting to get results back.

I really don’t know if he is or not. Seemed like he was better last year. It’s just one of those things that’s almost impossible to see on TV and the major advantage of seeing it up close in person. The other thing I notice watching baseball in person is you can definitely tell when pitchers begin to fatigue. It’s just super obvious in the park whereas I don’t notice that much on TV.

As for why nobody notices, my fundamental theorem of pitching is that everyone tips pitches in some way. It’s pretty common and every team should be scouting everyone for tells. So far it seems like the Astros are the only team that has actually figured out how useful it is. Yes, they were cheating too, but that’s separate from tipping. Recent cases we know about are Darvish (cost Cubs the WS), Glasnow against Astros in playoffs last year, and Strasburg in the WS.

I was looking at some analysis of yesterday slate and I think a lot of the pros did what I do in NBA a lot (which is the only game i’m legit profitable in) - they went way over the field in certain spots. I think Awesemo went above 80% on Glasnow and James. I kinda like that strategy when MME’ing.

ehanfer went 100% both and the guy who shipped the big tourney went 100% Glasnow and Houser on his 150 lineups.

Most stadiums do (did) a Bark in the Park event where you bring your dog to a game. In Dodger Stadium the bleachers were the dog section. Before the game you get (got) to take a loop around the field on the warning track.


They have ‘barks at the park’ games, where you can bring your dog, in 23 of 30 MLB stadiums. Usually you get to take your dog on field before o after the game too.

Sabo’s been on Petco & Dodger multiple times, and has also been on Chase, Oracle, Citi, Busch, Great American, Ring Center & T-Mobile.

ETA: Sabo’s a fast dog but a slow pony.

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ZOMG that’s even worse. If MLB can’t even get test results back in a timely manner from their secret magical Utah labs… put another fork in this season.

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