Major League Baseball (Part 1)

I figured they just enjoyed pulling pitchers in series clinching games when they are throwing a 2 hitter.

Life long Reds fan and Dusty managed them for 5 or so years. Plus he’s old. And recognizable.

Welp. Braves taking it to the cheaters on pitch #3

I love Fox’s score box because all the TVs in my house are broken and I can see the score through my neighbor’s living room window across the street.

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Free taco!

These might be the two worst teams in recent memory.

I turned it off before the first pitch. I don’t want either team to win.

I’m watching a poker live stream instead.

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These cameras on the field are kinda cool.

But the games are going to take 8 hours which is not cool.

25 pitch inning and the stros don’t score. Plate discipline paying off

Fuck instant replay so hard

The Astros color man sounds like Mr. Garrison.

I was a pitcher in high school and while a good hitter, I only had one extra base hit. I could hit a donger out of this stadium and maybe right now.

I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

Also, based on my experience over 20 years ago in the batting cage at medium speed, I couldn’t hit a foul tip off a Little Leaguer today.


I didn’t realize how pissed Atlanta fans were about the All-Star Game. It’s basically their rallying cry for the World Series. I have no idea where any All-Star Game is in any season and Braves fans are using it as a gigantic chip on their collective shoulders.

Which is probably going to make them rally around the voter suppression that caused them to lose the all-star game, because humans.

I mean, hell, I was at a Halloween party over the weekend and the host was showing the Braves game on a sweet screen in the backyard. This 10-year-old kid was all excited and yelled something about MLB taking the All-Star Game away from Atlanta. I had to pause a moment to review if I actually heard that.

Racist morons playing the victim trope.

Good managing by Snitker. Got Luke Jackson into the game after his confidence was destroyed in Dodgers series. Jackson responded with solid pitching. They’ll need all the help they can get with Morton out. And now Jackson is back in play.