Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Thank fucking god. The least worst of the final 4 is still alive

Depends on your metric

I can’t think of a Series matchup I’ve been less interested in since at least 2005.

I was definitely prepared to root for the Braves and then

And on the other hand, we have the team of Ted Cruz.

I’m rooting for the meteor.

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Rooting for Chads and TJ

Rooting for the team that cheated a WS to beat the racist state that cheated an election(s).

Despite only scoring 7 points, I’ve been kind of impressed with Heineke, but boy, that last INT was terrrrible.

Not sure how anyone puts Texas politics above Georgia’s politics atm. We’re the whole reason y’all even get to sweat the whims of Joe Manchin for two whole years.

On second thought…

I think I hope the Braves win, but then somebody releases a trove of racist emails among their ownership and management, and the MLB takes away their title. A boy can dream.

This is a no brainer. You root for the team that took out the Dodgers

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I am definitely rooting for the Asterisks and especially for another cheating scandal reveal after they’re crowned because wouldn’t that be swell.

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Money talks and I put $50 on the Braves at 18-1 in June. Go Braves!


Should’ve bet more.

Its the Fall Classic!)

Astros in 6.
Money interest only.
And to make Mom happy. She likes Dusty Baker.

Uggghh, why?

My mom does too. I dont get it.

Your moms must be big high fivers or toothpick aficionados(aficionadas?).

Or his free range parenting?
