Major League Baseball (Part 1)

WTF he’s out

Amazing they don’t let him score there, especially with the ball going off Renfroe. He definitely scores if it’s not over the wall.

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Yeah…I don’t get that. The fielder isn’t really a part of the ground rule I wouldn’t think.

That’s unfuckingbelievable. The runner was already around third when they got to the ball.

Wow, that is worse than the tuck rule. Did they have an explanation? If he threw the ball into the stands , would it make a difference? Lucky break for sure.

lol if I was a Rays fan I would be saaaaaaaalty

They say its in the rules. Time to reconsider the rule I guess.

If he threw the ball into the stands, that would be an error because the ball was cleanly fielded. All you have to do is not cleanly field the ball and intentionally bat it into the stands.

Dunno what the TV guys said, but the Sox radio guys were saying they thought umpires had discretion to award a base in that scenario. After coming back from commercial break they said that actually no one could point to a rule that gave them that discretion, so they weren’t sure what the correct ruling was. Crazy play. Wouldn’t have mattered :grin:

It could have mattered. Rays very likely don’t go with Patino to finish it if that run had counted.

rule for that play is a ground rule double

edit–since someone mentioned it throwing the ball into the stands is a 3 base error

this is almost impossible to actually pull off

It doesn’t matter. It’s logically defeated in every possible way.

except that’s about the only spot in MLB that play could realistically happen so ? (about nobody has a super low OF wall like they do)

I don’t really get what you’re point is. You’re arguing that a terrible rule is okay because it won’t happen very often? It makes no sense on any level to restrict the offense to two bases on that play. It’s logically dominated by the fact that you could have instead written a better rule that doesn’t reward poor play.

I think down he lines in a lot of parks it would be possible for a ball to bounce fair, and have the fielder charging to try to catch it in the air, but it bounces off his glove/foot/chest into the stands.

Looks like there’s another rule, or lack of one, that needs to be addressed now. That was a hilarious play just now in White Sox game.