Major League Baseball (Part 1)

In between innings I pulled the Jeffrey Maier grab up on YouTube and my kid was FURIOUS.

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Pretty excited for the Sox to score two runs in the next two games combined

OK, let’s go Barnes. This guy was left off the postseason roster because he was ineffective, and then someone else was injured, so they added him.

Hard to believe this guy was an All-Star

@CanadaMatt3004 logan webb representing. Kid from Rocklin too

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Yeah he just pitched a fucking gem against the rivals in their first ever playoff game.

What a game

Holy shit what stung Pedro?

This ump should be fired immediately

Oh goody, its going to be one of THOSE games from Angel Hernandez

How do they pick which umps get post season work? Can’t be merit

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Julio Ohtani Urias


Angel is working playoff games because of what?

Dodgers did really well with Urias. Brought him along over I’m guessing 4 years, and he has arrived in 2021

5 years. 2016 debut. Still only 25


He gives good blowies?

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Crawford continues to bat like a guy a decade his junior

Until I watched Letterkenny, I had no idea Canadians referred to BJs as “blowies.”

Funnily enough im not Canadian

I’ve been a Canadian for 47 years and that’s the first time I’ve ever heard that word.

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What the fuck is that call?

I’m watching on MLB network and the audio is completely effed for me. Alvin and the chipmunks are commentating. Nobody else seems to be having this issue but the rest of my channels are working fine