Major League Baseball (Part 1)

so as a guy who just had to deal with a) all at the same time

you’re absolutely right but funny enough the lineup was better without all of them

the staff went to total shit though

Grienke isn’t a great example for you here–he was dealt to the brewers then dealt to the angels, his first big $ deal was with the dodgers which still provided enough value

It’s only with the stros and one season with the dbacks it fell back but he’s still okay as a player so it’s not a complete disaster like whatever pujols deal ended up being and his contract ends end of this season which KC wouldn’t have done the arizona one anyway.

Idk what happened to Alex Gordon either. That didn’t look like a disaster at the time but I would’ve let hosmer go too, paying bigger types of 1b’s seems to not work out a lot.

No way we were better off losing Beltran, Damon, Cain, Greinke, or George Brett, Frank White, Willie Wilson, Hal McRae (if the MLB were the same then).

Yeah Hosmer went to shit, but he was clutch in the postseason and seemed to over-achieve when he was playing with his BFF Moose and the unquestioned leader on the team. Hos’s swing has always been a mess. He gets in funks where nothing works right.

I would have gladly eaten some shitty contracts to at least have a few more shots with that core group of guys. But it was always set up that in 2018 they were all gone and we’d be rebuilding for many years, because that’s what small market teams have to do.

Yes Greinke got a ludicrous contract. But that’s part of the fucked up system. If the NFL were like MLB, Jerruh would be out there overpaying for all the free agents and fucking up the whole system, and insuring the Chiefs could never keep a guy like Mahomes.

Alex Gordon will always be a KC hero for that homer in the WS, and all the defensive highlights.

Royals can’t complain about this though b/c he was still under contract at 4/38 which was an absolutely insane deal in the team’s favor. That contract was like $100M to the good in fWAR for the team. Apparently he asked for the trade after he figured out David Glass was a massive grifter pocketing as much cash as possible, so whether they could have resigned him to the mega contract the Dodgers offered is academic. That’s why all of this Royals are the victims stuff is extremely irritating to me.

Yeah Greinke was an odd duck. He wanted to leave, but the Rs never could have afforded him anyway. They’d just have to try to time their window to end at the end of his deal like they did with Hos, Moose and Cain.

I’d probably want to leave too if I was on a team that hadn’t made the playoffs in 25 years. Weird how guys want to play for teams that have a legit shot at the playoffs yeah in, year out. We get the middling free agents who don’t give a shit about winning.

You still ignore the George Brett point. Or the Pat Mahomes point if the NFL were run like MLB.

You want to look at selected cases in a vacuum and ignore the big picture. There’s no way the Rs don’t have a huge disadvantage compared to big market teams. That’s just the way baseball is, and fine, but it’s still not “fair”, which is what got me going.

And just as a fan, it’s not fun to lose your favorite players, I don’t care what WAR says. I’d rather root for a slightly shittier team that I know and love than a bunch of rentals with no personality. My entire Royals fandom right now is rooting for Salvy to make the HoF. Salvy may be the last lifetime (or mostly) Royal to ever make the HoF.

Debbie Downer here but Salvador Perez would be the worst HOF inclusion ever. I can’t possibly imagine it happening

It’s all about revenue sharing. National TV contract = Socialism = Level playing field.

Hockey has the same problem as BB. Like 5 teams make half the total revenue. Except the NHL hates nerds and statistics so parity rules except for a few smart teams. (See TB)

Yeah I’m just not buying this narrative in 2021. We’ve seen enough leaked financials and behavior to know that the poor underdog small market teams are just pocketing tons of cash. Do you remember when Loria tried to claim the Marlins were losing money, and then some CPA figured out he had raked in ~$500M in profits, mostly from the revenue sharing agreements? All of these teams are doing Hollywood accounting and are completely FOS about being hamstrung.

The problem with MLB right now isn’t overspending, it’s underspending. The luxury tax has become a de facto salary cap with only this new Dodgers ownership group showing any willingness to exceed it, and even they will probably jettison salary somewhere to get a reset and avoid stiffer penalties that kick in. The Yankees’ payroll has been virtually flat for a decade now allowing other teams to catch up as revenues have increased. And yet we still have teams like the Pirates spending 1/3rd of what the 2nd tier of higher spenders (~$180M) are on the books for.

If we exclude Dodgers ($254M) who are way over, we have these teams that are basically right around the luxury tax limit of $210M (descending):

BOS 213
HOU 209
NYY 209
SDP 208
PHI 205
LAA 205
NYM 202

Then a small gap to a second tier of spenders who aren’t up against the tax limit:

STL 183
CHW 177
WAS 174
SFG 170
TOR 165
CHC 163
ATL 149
CIN 144
MIN 140

For the most part, the teams listed above have been competitive over the past few seasons. Now there’s quite a fall down to the next tier:

COL 117
TEX 109
MIL 108
ARI 108
OAK 105
DET 103
SEA 101
KAN 100
TAM 88
MIA 77
BAL 75
PIT 66
CLE 62

Now keep in mind these are estimates of AAV/CBT values which is != payroll, and they could be slightly different based on when / which site is used, but they are approximately in line with other sources. The point here is that you can’t have teams on the books for $62M when the upper quartile is spending $200M. It’s just complete nonsense and is never going to work. The NBA and NFL both know this which is why they are light years ahead in terms of developing and marketing product. In NBA, for example, the salary floor is ~90% of the salary cap, yet here in 2021 baseball the effective rate to the soft cap is about 30%.


Glass became the interim CEO and chairman of the Royals on September 23, 1993, following the death of the founding owner, Ewing Kauffman. Under Glass’ leadership, the board cut the payroll from $41 million to $19 million. During the Major League Baseball strike of 1994–1995, Glass opposed any settlement with the players’ union without a salary cap, and supported the use of strike-breaking “replacement” players, despite a court ruling that the use of replacement players violated federal labor law.


For much of his tenure as owner, Glass was criticized for bringing the same cost-cutting management style he used at Walmart to the Royals. Shortly after assuming sole ownership of the franchise Glass appointed his wife and their three children to the board and important senior management roles with the organization, despite the fact that none of them had any meaningful background in baseball.


While his cost-conscious managerial style ensured large profits, the Royals were barely competitive for most of the early part of the new millennium. Glass’ management is cited for transforming the Royals from a perennial playoff contender in the 1970s and 1980s to one of the worst teams in Major League Baseball during the 1990s and early 2000s.

Royals had some of the highest payrolls in baseball before this grifter intentionally slashed everything. Cool story though about other teams having an unfair advantage.

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Here we go! They better not fucking black it out at the last minute.

Edit: Eck! I modeled my windup after his. Tiant’s was too difficult to do in games/practice, but I can do it.

Blacked out on the MLB app. Fuck you, MLB, let me watch playoff games after paying you $200/yr.

Whoops. Lol Mike

Haha, what a showboat. Nice single trot.

Damn he had two outs on three pitches at one point, my Yankee fan friend is already apoplectic, gonna be a long nine innings

“in order to have exit velocity you have to have contact” A Rod


I have STANTON HR YES +450

Was already spending that money

Still taking the loss of j lo hard I reckon

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And Stanton swung at the first pitch in his at bat. That would have been epic.
