Major League Baseball (Part 1)

i don’t get how there’s so much sports love in this country and still the only chant in any stadium is “lets go [team name]”


Get the bullpen going. Everybody panic

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get this man some sticky stuff

“Yankees Suck!”
“Roooooogerrrr” (Clemens)
“Who’s your dealer?” (Gary Sheffield, I think)
“Daaaaaaarel” (Strawberry)
“Aaaaaaron” (Judge, just now)

Home runs are hits, and the best kind of hits!

Man who invited Einstein into the booth?

Former Met ofc. You’re welcome

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I know it’s en vogue to dump on this broadcast team, but I think they’re fine. I also don’t hate Bryson. Maybe the problem is me.

That’s a great pitch despite what the box says

Could never imagine having to listen to this guy call a team that I root for and constantly get things wrong.


Lolol. Kay is worse though. At least Sterling has the excuse of age and poor vision.

Pedro tossing Zimmer to the ground will never get old.


It’s weird now seeing highlights with no Monster seats.

I was in the upper deck, such as it was, down the right field line, saw Zim charging, and saw Pedro just drop him like a matador. Good times.


Oh my Kyle. Bet John sees that one clearly


3 runs on 50 pitches through 2 innings. Nice line Gerrit.

Got a feeling Yankees pen will dominate and keep them in it.

How are they not playing this?

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Clay >>>> Cole