Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Pretty sure youll be the only one there tomorrow

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To be fair I posted that before your edit

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Dodgers fans will be so heartsick when they hear the Dodgers lose from their cars after getting there in the 3rd inning, spending all their time batting beach balls and doing the wave, then leaving in the 7th. It may take them a entire half a day to get over it.

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A savvy Dodger fan correctly determined I was rooting for the Astros when I went to game 6 of their World Series after prices dumped significantly since the Astros were up 3-2 and the game was on Halloween.

I didn’t really give a shit who won, but I wanted to see the Astros celebrate while the Dodgers fans suffered through it. Sadly, the Dodgers were able to overcome the percussion section in the Astros’ clubhouse hallway and force game 7.

/in to playoff

My first Dodger game was late in the season, in the thick of a pennant race agains the rival Giants. It was one of the most exciting games I’ve ever seen live - huge homers, a robbed homer over the wall. The fans barely looked up from their beach balls. Beach balls! SO FUN!

Brian Jordan hit a grand slam to tie it late, which got what I thought was a pretty lame cheer given the circumstances. Later I saw an interview where he said that was the loudest he’d ever heard Dodger stadium.

TBF I did go to a game recently where the fans seemed much more into the game. Also an old lady flashed her bra on the jumbotron and the crowd went bananas. Can’t put a price on that kind of entertainment.

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Who cares? You don’t get to have a cupcake and a pony and a bicycle. Not all of these huge contracts end well. For as much as you like to rag on the Dodgers, you fail to mention the Mets and other failboat teams that have spent fortunes and won nothing. The Phillies have been saddled with horrible monster contracts forever, the Yankees had a long dry spell of bad spending.

Do you think Mike Moustakas has returned value? Reds gave him 4/$64M and so far he’s returned about $2M worth of WAR in 2 seasons. What about Greinke getting 6/$206M from the Dbacks that the Astros are still paying off? Padres gave Hosmer 8/$144M which has been 10/10 Harolds. Looks like he’s delivered them 0.5 WAR in 4 seasons. Yikes. Are you telling me that these are the contracts you wanted?

Mostly what you are complaining about are players who had already peaked that other teams overpaid. The Royals seem to be pretty good at extracting max value and then dumping. The guy they resigned was Alex Gordon which is really hard to complain about given this career trajectory:

He looked like a way more sure thing than Hosmer and then fell off the face of the earth. The thing you should actually be mad about is overpaying for these players when guys like Whit Merrifield can be had for $4M/year. The Rays totally understand this and are using it to win. Royals fans are using it to complain about not ReSiGnInG tHeIr SuPeRsTaRs and so now you have a (probably) bad contract extension for Salvador Dongi.

Meh, I go to 3-4 Dodger games a year (I’ll be there Wednesday) and that’s not what I’ve seen from the fans at the stadium. I think you’re being cranky. They do tend to arrive late, but that seems to be the case in most large metro cities with terrible traffic

If only they could have gotten that $40M Elon train from Beverly to Chavez. Dodgers should just pay for it when they get out of this kyleb contract.

This is very true. There are plenty of examples of teams spending and it not working out. The problem for small market teams like, say, the Royals and Brewers, is that if they take a chance on a big contract and miss (I’m starting to side eye you, Christian Yelich, but I’ll be patient), it is disastrous for their organization. If the Yankees or Dodgers miss, oh well, they’ll just try again with the next guy.

So is your argument that teams with large payrolls do not get an inherent advantage?

Big market Mets fan here. Would love to trade the last 20-30 years of results with the Royals.



But at least you got this timeless work of art out of it.

Pretty sure I had the same facial expression in the upper deck down the first base line.

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The woman in the upper right might be my favorite.

As brutal as Games 4 and 5 were (in the house for both, ugh), I’ll always contend that the series was lost with the Game 1 blown save. It was eerily reminiscent of Benitez blowing Game 1 in 2000, and I think there’s a pretty good chance both of those series end up differently if they get Game 1. But probably not, because Mets.

Pretty much always the correct answer

Yeah Familia quick pitching two batters in a row might have been the deciding factor. Gordon said he didn’t even know Familia had a quick pitch until he saw him throw one to Sal.

That ball was one of the five hardest Gordon hit in his career or something like that. Imagine doing that in that spot.

That team was just charmed for two years in a row. Although about once a month I still have a long daydream about Sal hitting a home run on the last pitch of the '14 WS. I swear if Bum’s last pitch was just about 1/2" lower. Sal hits homers on pitches out of the strike zone better than anyone. Probably would have been the biggest hit/homer in MLB history. Sigh.

Were you around in '86? That was still probably the most exciting WS I ever saw (factoring out KC bias). Maybe the Cubs winning tops it.

I will go to my grave believing Alex Gordon should’ve tried to score.

He would have been out by a mile barring a major screw up. Of only the left fielder had booted it just a little farther away.