Major League Baseball (Part 1)

For reference these 9 (lol Sammy Sosa) players are some of the best of all time and barely even sniffed a ring

Sports Talk Radio caller: How many RANGZ does Mike Trout have? He needs to get out of Anaheim and sign with the Yankees.

Also sports talk radio caller: I don’t watch baseball because the Yankees just buy all of the best players.

I don’t understand how that is allowed to happen.

MLB playoffs are a crapshoot, even in a 7 game series. So it’s not surprising you have so many different winners. But it doesn’t mean teams like the Royals have anything approaching an equal chance every year like teams do in the NFL. The long regular season smooths out all variance on that. The only chance the Royals have is to try to time all their resources for one short run. The Dodgers contend every year by default.

The next Royals run may be coming in 2-3 years if every prospect pans out. And like 3 great pitchers materialize out of thin air. Can’t wait! Such a great sport to root for if you’re in a small market.

There are 30 teams in the MLB so if the distribution of WS was perfectly equitable you would be making it every 15 years and winning once every three decades. Hate to break it to you, but your team has been getting more then their fair share.

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Teams do not have anything approaching an equal chance every year in the NFL. Like, what? The Bengals haven’t won a playoff game since 1990 and the Lions haven’t since 1991. Meanwhile, the Patriots have won 17 of the last 20 AFC East division titles and 6 Super Bowls since 2002. The Dodgers have won 11 out of the last 20 NL West division titles and 1 World Series which looks a lot like playing in a weak division.

Disagree with this premise. If you suck in the NFL it’s usually because you’re poorly run. There’s no inherent disadvantages to the market you play in

I’m not exactly for a salary cap because I’d much rather the players get the money instead of the owners, but there no denying that no cap favors teams that spend money

Again, we got incredibly lucky to win in our one run in 30 years. In 1985 small market teams could compete much better.

Would you agree that it’s pretty damn lucky to make the playoffs twice in 36 years and go to two World Series? Almost every other season was shite.

I’m not complaining about the Royals so much as the shitty system.

Those teams are run terribly. They have all the opportunity in the world. They get high draft picks and a cake walk schedule every year.

Of course some NFL teams are going to suck because of a combination of shitty management and bad luck.

You’re being results-oriented and unrealistic to say it proves anything that some NFL teams stay shitty. There is nothing structurally that keeps them that way.

There is plenty of structural disadvantage to being a small market team in baseball. Just because the Pirates still have a chance to win the lottery every year, and sometimes it even happens, is nothing like a Dodgers fan knowing they’ll be in the post-season 90% of the time in perpetuity.

Wake me when the Royals have a chance in hell of keeping Carlos Beltran, Johnny Damon, Zack Greinke, Eric Hosmer, Mike Moustakis, etc.

We’re a AAA team for the big boys. That shit breaks you as a fan. Royals could never keep George Brett in the current MLB. We only get Salvy because he signed a terrible contract. We get to keep guys like Alex Gordon and Mike Sweeney. It fucking sucks.

If the NFL was like MLB, the Chiefs wouldn’t have a chance in hell of keeping Mahomes. He’d be on his way to the Giants or the Rams in a few years.That would be awesome. Every league should work like MLB.

Fans in big markets just deserve it more. It’s the natural order of things. Shut up and be happy with your scraps you lucky ducky poot.

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Pads have drafted better than anyone the past decade and still might not matter.

In the NFL, you would never see a fire sale following a championship ala the Marlins and Rays.

Honestly Im not even crying. When SD finally wins one it will be that much sweeter. And Lawnmower’s stat was pretty surprising to me.

St. Louis having the most natural team just gives me another reason to root for them.

But yeah the poor old Dodgers have to play a one and done. So sad!

I’m fucking pissed now :persevere:

Lol these takes are like sportstalk radio caller level bad.

Im not really sure why you feel the need to insult those who you disagree with you but thanks for reminding me not to waste any more time in this thread.

I have a right as fan to walk away if I feel like my team is getting screwed and I know we’re going to lose any superstar we manage to develop. That’s a shitty product.

MLB is giving me 22 vs the Dodgers’ AA every year and telling me to be happy because it wins sometimes.

I went to George Brett’s last game. That meant a lot to me.

I even went to Hosmer, Moose, Cain and Esky’s last game. I flew to KC just to see it. Still freaking sad to know if we were in a big market our window wouldn’t have had to slam shut.

Salvy is probably the last homegrown star the Royals will ever get to keep, and that was a fluke.

Do you know how many extra wins they give you in baseball for resigning a player? Because it seems like you don’t.

a) It makes it a lot less fun to root for a team as a fan when you lose all your superstars.

b) Yeah I think you’re right. The Dodgers are just idiots for spending all that money. They should stick to guys like Alex Gordon and Mike Sweeney. Pure coincidence they make the playoffs every year.

Anyway I am going to shut up about this now and stop being a cranky asshole.

Let’s enjoy the unfair games the next two days and root for the Dodgers to lose in the most painful way imaginable. I hate the Yanks and SAWX equally. So just rooting for pain.

Maybe I’ll go to a bar in LA and watch the Dodgers game with the 10% of the patrons who are actually paying attention.