Major League Baseball (Part 1)


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Yeah, this thing is done by the end of the week.

There is no way they can keep letting it spread like wildfire through the clubhouses

Yup, looks like this is going to end even sooner than expected.

But surely this was expected? I think they’ll carry on for a while.

ARGH this should make me ecstatic but now I’m just upset and pissed off at the world because we were going to be so fucking great

Probably would have been the best third place in their division team in the league :yum:

They shut down originally after one positive test in the NBA. Now Erod might have long lasting heart/lung damage because of this thing. How many more players are gonna be super ok with this after reading his results and seeing it starting to spread in clubhouses like crazy?

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I agree that all makes sense, but I don’t think any of this is surprising? And it doesn’t seem that many players are worried. Very few masks in the dugouts that I’ve seen.

Depends on who gets COVID, I think.

bunch of utility players? eh, they keep playing. More big names like Rodriguez and Moose…they might call it.

MLB on TV 2020

  • There were 329 spring training games (298 in winter; -zero- in spring; and 31 in summer) of which 189 were televised. One streamed for free, 136 were exclusives, and 52 were on both cable -and- (MLBN 34, FSSD 12, ESPN 5, ESPN2 1).

    How they get us in spring training is we really need And they charge upfront for that.

  • In the regular season we have 46 games through this evening: 3 on el conejo (Fox), 2 streaming free, 25 exclusives, 4 ESPN exclusives, 3 FSSD exclusives, and 9 on cable -and- (4 MLBN, 3 ESPN, 1 ESPN+, 1 TBS). There are 900 scheduled games in 2020.

    How they get us in the regular season is you need to get cable to get your local team, the ESPN Sunday night games, and a few other ESPN exclusives such as opening day -and- you need to get the vast majority of the other games.

  • In the post season, and tentatively, we have 40-65 games, only 5-8 which are on el conejo (World Series & one LCS game on Fox). The remaining 33-57 are on cable (ESPN 14-21, TBS 12-20, FS1 7-14, MLBN 2).

    If you have cable to get your RSN and ESPN you already have TBS. How they get us post-season are those games on FS1, and especially those two damn games on MLBN.

Note: This is particular to San Diego were FSSD is the RSN. Should be typical for any single blackout area.

LOL…of all the annoying ex-players calling baseball games, Eck is either the worst or tied with Rick Sutcliffe.


Smoltz and Tim Mccarver

I never minded McCarver, but I think Smoltz is a condescending douchebag. He was actually tied for 3rd-4th with Keith Hernandez.

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I love when Smoltz just talks out of his ass comparing eras and other BS and he’s fact checked-proven wrong on twitter before the inning is over.
Eck is so repetitive. Just gushes nonsense all game. I haven’t heard to much of Sutcliffe. The Tigers old timer is boarder line senile.

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Baseball is going nowhere. They will cope, adapt, and continue. I will wager a team plays 60 games this season. Will escrow .

OHTANI couldn’t find covid in a red state .


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This strike is zone is AIDS. Bauer was getting balls 4" above and outside. Ohtani has caught the edge twice for balls.

Blue Jays belly itcher late covering first prolly costing me a huge dog. FUNDAMENTALS