Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Exactly, it’s something that will work the first time you do it and then every time after hitters will blast that shit to the moon like when some goofball tries to get away with throwing two eephus’s(eephii?) in the same AB.

I’d be for it if the ump can adjust the strike zone on his ipad or something. Like for this pitcher I want to give him a few more inches outside because he is a veteran that paints the corners.

If the bank landed on home I don’t think a robot ump would/ should call the pitch a strike

They have “robo umps” in the minor league that had the runner on 2nd in extra innings the year before mlb did

That’s just the Angel Hernandez bot.

Adjust indiscrimately for every batter and the pitcher has to guess where the zone is like he’s playing Battleship.

It’s up to the teams to scout the umps better. This guy likes to give this guy a bigger strikezone. On 0-2 counts he expands the outside of the plate against righties etc.

That is how the game is suppose to be played.

Reds didn’t seem to have an issue with the Brewers last night. Even with our terrible bullpen.

Also, All-Star voting has commenced. I will be rightly pissed if Winker and Castellanos, the best hitters in the NL, aren’t on the team.

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So now MLB is evil for not letting pitchers cheat? The better criticism is of MLB letting this situation get this far out of control. Manfred is the worst commissioner in my lifetime. And its not close.


So basically he couldn’t use spider tack, which led to reduced spin rate. So in order to compensate, he threw harder and blew out his elbow. How is this MLB’s fault?

If you are willing to cheat, be willing to face the consequences if you get caught cheating.

You wouldn’t happen to know anything about vote canvassing would you?

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I’m pretty bullish right now that the Spider Tack frauds got found out. Reds pitching might be bad but we’re about to see a lot of other pitching get really bad and I like these bats a lot in that scenario.

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Everyone is a victim in 2021 is how.


If baseball really wanted to crack down, it’d be 10 start suspensions.

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That’s the other thing I don’t get. Just keep doing what you are doing. If you get caught, it’s a 10 game suspension. You appeal and it gets reduced to 7. You miss one start.

Also, these guys need to get crafty with their cheating. Gaylord Perry would cheat without getting caught.

There’s just one thing I don’t understand. Since just about everyone were using spider goo, who the hell are the morons who weren’t? Are they like Jehovah’s witness or something?

Yea the punishment is not harsh enough. One thing I do like is that teams can’t replace the suspended player on the active roster. So teams will run into problems pretty quickly if they have multiple suspended players.

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He’s complaining about rosin and sunscreen which doesn’t give the increased spin rates that the other stuff does.

More spin isn’t good for every pitch type. In general, sinking pitches are lower spin pitches. Backspin causes the ball to “rise” due to Magnus force which is the desired effect for pitches like 4-seam fastballs. Splitters on the other hand…

Video: Statcast: Gordon's clutch homer | 12/13/2015 |

Man I just have a super hard time hearing how professional baseball players can’t manage to throw the ball without some Coppertone and rosin alchemy.

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