Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Just to confirm. MLB once said that they really had no clue how the MLB baseballs got so juicy. All they know is that they did nothing different and suddenly balls were flying out of all the parks. But now they have altered the balls so that a fly ball that had previously gone 400 feet now only goes 398 feet. Is that right? Other than that, Happy Easter!


It’s pretty much the same team as last year and Kikuchi spots RHBs a .360 wOBA with the worst bullpen in baseball. So yeah looks like LOL Mariners to me.

Tony LaRussa intentionally walked the best hitter on the Angels.


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Oh yeah. Their bullpen is a literal gaggle of fools which is why I wasnt surprised by what happened opening day

As if Hank fucking Aaron would be on board with this despicable display from Georgia.

JFC Braves, you’re starting to take the attention away from how horrible the Astros are.


Also, whoever hosts the game should do a tribute to Aaron just to rub their fucking noses in it.

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Fucking disgusting.

I’ve already been a big Braves hater (fuck you, 1993) but this shit is abhorrent. They should be on the side of MLBs decision whole heartedly. If they want the All star game back, then admonish the state for doing the wrong thing, not attack MLB for doing what’s right.


Yeah, but the Braves are absolutely (White) America’s Team. They are run by and for white suburbanites in Georgia.

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Hopefully they move the all star game to Milwaukee to rub it in. Aaron is more a Milwaukee baseball legend than Atlanta anyways. He started and ended his career in Milwaukee. He played 14 of 23 seasons in Milwaukee. He won his only World Series, his only MVP, all 3 of his Gold Gloves, and both batting titles in Milwaukee.


The thing is, I had a real desire to root for them the last few years. The players were a bunch of scrappy dudes who were playing their minds out. But the organization is so fucking toxic

It was glorious

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Haha of course it’s the Cardinals having a hissy fit over



That would start a fight in the nhl 100/100 times

it couldn’t happen to a better team. The HBP was pretty blatant, too.

And who gets ejected? Not the Cardinals player(s), nope, can’t have that. fuck the Cardinals. How is it fair that Casty gets booted but Molina/Hicks didn’t? fuck you

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in better news, that’s our Golden Glove catcher!

Braves fans can join the Mets bandwagon this season only

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Twins and Brewers both have no hitters in the bottom of the 6th

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Didn’t take long into the season to get my new avatar

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Same. I usually place a Futures bet on them every year to keep the live or die passion I had for the Braves as a kid alive, and had a pretty large one on them this year as was especially excited about this season.

Just cancelled the bet earlier today (my site lets you buyout a bet at the current vig) so I don’t have to follow them anymore.

Came here to post exactly this, Milwaukee would be perfect.