Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Yeah, I’d heard that from some writers as well. But now you’re hearing that some writers want to take their vote back because he’s gone to far. I’m assuming there is some overlap between these two groups. So really they are punishing Schilling for the riots happening not his support of them.

They should explain how being a terrible human being and saying terrible stuff shouldn’t preclude somebody from the HOF, but that being a terrible human being and saying terrible stuff should preclude somebody from being in the HOF.

oh ffs Hank Aaron died

Oh wow wasnt expecting to see that today. That sucks

Man these past few months have been brutal. Willie Mays better watch out.


I know we’ve all seen it a million times, but:


Hank Aaron was one of my childhood heroes, what a sad loss. RIP


If you watch the reporter, it’s Craig Sagar that used to cover the NBA.


Nobody elected to the Hall. Schilling missed by 16 votes.

better no one than schilling alone.

So Barry doesnt get in does he?

I’m really glad because I didn’t want him getting in with Jeter. They’re having the ceremony this summer AFAIK.

Mets signed Bauer? Tabs!

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alongside God Shammgod

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Schilling apparently requesting to be removed from the BBWAA ballot next year. Wants the veterans committee to decide if he gets in. So he is 100% getting in then.

he mad

he also didn’t want to be the first guy to be so close after 9 then lose votes

I was gonna lol scott rolen getting that much (he’s not better than manny gtfo) but then I see billy wagner 31%???

Can someone post what Schilling said? I assume he’s on Twitter and the snowflake has me blocked.