Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Wow that Bonds video is insane. Worth watching.


There’s a list of Bonds facts that I end up reading in its entirety every time I see it because he was just so ridiculously dominant. Yeah he was roided out of his mind from 99-03 but so were a bunch of pitchers he faced.

Craig Biggio drove in 1,175 runs in his 20 year career. Barry Bonds’ home runs alone drove in 1,174 runs.


That one’s headed for New Jersey!

Has Yankee stadium EVER given that reaction to an opposing player hitting a home run?

Lol I remember that game. The Yankees came out of the dugout as if it was a Yankee player that hit it. Bonds would have hit 1,000 home runs if he played in NY his entire career.

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This one is insane too. His bat EXPLODES


This is my favorite.

Is that Salmon who says it’s the longest HR he has ever seen?

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Actually a terrible call. But “That ones headed fo Long Island” doesn’t really have the same ring to it.

Lol no. As a Yankees fan I very much dislike going to the Stadium because of Yankee fans. Much prefer going to Fenway. And that place has Red Sox fans, which is saying something.


He says that’s the 1st ball he’s ever seen hit there

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It still makes me laugh Mickey Mantle is still credited with the longest HR in MLB history. Yea, I’m sure an hung over alky hit the ball 50 feet farther than a roided up athlete teeing off 100 mph fastballs.

Schilling? What? He’s been a racist POS the entire time. He has a show on Brietbart. Go to his Twitter page. He’s pretty much a straight up Nazi.

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He blocked me when I asked how much money he stole from Rhode Island taxpayers. He’s quite the snowflake.

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I’m absolutely shocked someone in here didn’t know about Schilling. He never hid it.

regarding rhode island, well he’s so dumb he also went broke in the matter.

Unsure what is more shocking - you’d missed this as an mlb fan or that the HOF voters didn’t vote him in regardless!

Oh yeah misread your post!

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There are still the classic leagues going strong. The issue is that they have never updated the game to be more multi-player friendly - so unless you can get 20+ other people to play, you’re going to have a limited experience.

It also seems they have done very little to make the technical aspects of multiplayer easier - you have to set up an FTP site, a website to display the league results, and a bunch of other stuff that the manual does not clearly explain (or at least not well enough for me to implement). There are people you can pay to handle all this, but we didn’t feel like playing $100 a year for that.

Basically, it’s not designed to be played multi-player by casual players (the idea was that some of the players from our fantasy league would do a quick OOTP draft/sim during the downtime).

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It would have been shocking to me if Schilling didn’t come out in support of the Capitol riots. Can’t believe this is the final straw that is causing HOF voters to finally realize he’s a terrible human being.

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I thought the “yes” voters all knew he was a terrible human being and their argument was that being a terrible human being shouldn’t preclude one being in the HOF? That was a lot of the arguments I heard from the “yes” voters.

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Also… hes a white man. I sure havent heard any “Barry Bonds is a terrible human being (hes not, just crotchety) but was a living god of baseball, so we should 100% put him in the hall.”

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Well the Bonds things is that “he cheated” not that he’s a terrible human being. Clemens is white and crotchety and caught in the same thing with Bonds, which is different than the Schilling thing imo.