Major League Baseball (Part 1)

You know if you say Canseco this needs to come out… I like how it barely phases him getting clonked off the head with a baseball.

tenor (14)

Greatest GM tenure of all time?

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I’m going to hell.


tenor (1)


The whole concept of unsolicited dick pics is something I can’t wrap my brain around. I have never once considered doing that. Not even like, “Ooh, that would be funny to prank my wife,” for half a second.


For anyone who hasn’t seen it, one of my all time favorite sports docs has now been compiled into a single video instead of six parts


At first, I was like, “I don’t get it.”

Then I saw it.

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Ya know, for all the awfulness on the internet, sometimes we do some great things with this tool.


I think I told this story on 2+2, but whatever.

My wife and I had upper deck front row seats at a Braves game years ago. I had a chance at a foul ball, but I didn’t want to lean over the rail and risk my life, so it bounced off my wrist. An eldery couple was sitting behind us and a couple minutes later, the husband returned from the restroom.

His wife told him that I almost caught a foul ball. He said, “Oh, that was here? Don Sutton said somebody booted it.”

Fuck yooooouuuu!!!


In all seriousness, he was always one of my childhood favorites. I was six when the Brewers made the World Series, so he was one of the first Brewers stars I remember, even though he wasn’t on the team long. I used to go to baseball card shows and various player appearances at department stores and what-not when I was a kid and the time I met him, he was very happy to pose for a picture with little dlk9s and my brother.

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I watched this whole thing as it was coming out and loved it. I’m not a Mariners fan but 1990s baseball was a huge part of my youth.

Marty Walsh , mayor of Boston and now Sec of Labor, grew up ~ 1/2 mile from where Sandy Alderson was born, as did I.

ive been on a Jon Bois kick lately. This is one of my favorites.

The most insane stat is Bonds having every bases empty intentional walk issued in 2004.

Oh yeah, 19 times.

Pure insanity


Except if he didn’t have a bat they would of threw him strikes!

Anyone hear play OOTP? Just got OOTP 21 for $5 on steam. So good.

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You gotta watch the video. In the alternate universe created, the pitchers dont know he doesnt have a bat

Yeah, it’s a great game.

Just wish it was more multiplayer friendly. Tried to set up a league once with some friends and failed miserably. Couldn’t figure out how to import/export league and gave up after wasting a ton of time. Plus, from reading forums, unless you have a human for every team, it’s tough as you have very limited interaction with AI controlled teams and FA is a mess.

Yeah AI trading is a mess too. I like to start expansion teams and you can still just get loads of middle of the road vets on minor league contracts then instantly trade them to AI teams for prospects. Within a year of expansion you could already have a deep farm system.