Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Rays have a big fan base. I lived in Tampa for 2 years. It’s a pain in the ass getting to the stadium. Having games at 7 PM in the middle of the rainy season is LOL bad. Yea, it’s a dome but you gotta park and walk to the stadium when its 95 w/ 90% humidity. They in the middle of the pack viewership wise.

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Wow, ty for showing me this. I always thought TB.didnt care about them based on ever empty stadium, no matter how competitive they are. I also thought a lot of Yankee fans retired there and never jumped over.

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Yea it’s weird. I think part of the issue is there’s no mass transit. People from Orlando, Ocala, Gainesville, need to drive over 1 hr one way to get to the stadium. And realistically, it’s 2 hours because of traffic. But if you go to bars in FL, the game is on and people are wearing team gear like they are in any other city.

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The concern is this: Two teams both aggressively platoon. It would be an advantage for one team to know what the other team’s lineup is before setting their own. What happens if both managers refuse to cede this advantage?

Rule 4.03(a): First, the home manager… shall give his batting order to the umpire-in-chief…

So, the visiting team has this advantage? No. Neither team gets an advantage, instead it’s a “simultaneous reveal”…

(b): Next, the visiting manager… shall give his batting order to the umpire-in-chief…

(d): The umpire-in-chief shall… then tender a copy of each batting order to the opposing manager.

The remaining unanswered baseball rules trivia Qs are below. Warning: the dark side of the rule book is in play.

  • #5. What happens if the batter due up is on base?
  • #12. There’s a few… name a football like penalty in baseball.
  • #20B ~NEW~. Outdoor stadium, night game, no overhanging gear… a fly ball is hit over the height of lights… it doesn’t land on the field of play, nobody sees it come down, nobody spots it on the ground afterwards. It just goes up… and never “comes down”. What happens?

RIP Joe Morgan


Brock, Ford (Thursday), Gibson, Kaline, Morgan, Seaver… pretty bad year for HOFers.

Glenn Beckert, Horace Clarke, Angel Echevarria, Tony Fernandez, Jay Johnstone, Matt Keough, Don Larson, Bob Oliver, Ron Perranoski, Biff Pocoroba, Bob Sebra, Claudell Washington, Bob Watson, Jimmy Wynn, several others too.

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Wow I had no idea Morgan was 77. RIP

Agree with PC, Miller & Morgan made even the worst Sunday night matchups watchable. To me they were every bit as “ESPN” as Berman & Jackson. Even if you hated them, you had to respect how they dominated the space they occupied.


Goddamn Morgan’s WAR was 100 and he walked 85x or more in 15 seasons. How did this guy hate sabermetrics?


His numbers were so sick for a second baseman of his era. Any era, really, but goddamn, he played in the 60’s and 70’s.

EDIT: He’s so much a part of Reds history that I forgot the first third of his career was with Houston.

EDIT 2: Jesus fuck look at his 1976 season. .320/.444/.576/1.020, 27 dongs, 111 RBI, 114 BB, 60 SB (87% success), 187 OPS+. Only 41 Ks. As a SECOND BASEMAN IN 1976!


He took it personal that Sabrmetrics downplayed the value of stolen bases.


He was also famous for using a child size glove…



Easily my favorite player as a youth. Little guy who did everything. Even read his book!

I don’t remember much about it except
1)the small glove made it easier to handle the baseball around 2nd base.
2) He was open about the racism toward black and latin players.

I always liked him as an announcer, and PC is right about SNB.

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Took some over 8.5 TB HOUN-105
Really like ATL + 1/2 -120 1H


Jesus, how did TB win that game. unreal

Why are they playing in the dark?

Dodgers have gotten 6 straight outs on 13 pitches.

LOL Dodgers. They have the same problem the Yankees have. Too many stars on one team. Looking forward to Kershaw losing 1-0 in Game 2.

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Well the Dodgers bullpen is also suspect

The concern is this: Two teams both aggressively platoon. It would be an advantage for one team to have the other team ‘reveal’ their lineup first. What happens if both managers refuse to cede this advantage?

Rule 4.03(a): First, the home manager… shall give his batting order to the umpire-in-chief…

So, the visiting team has this advantage? No. Neither team has an advantage. Instead it’s a “duplicate reveal”…

(b): Next, the visiting manager… shall give his batting order to the umpire-in-chief…

(d): The umpire-in-chief shall… then tender a copy of each batting order to the opposing manager.

The remaining unanswered baseball rules trivia are below. Warning: the dark side of the rule book is in play.

  • #5. What happens if the batter due up is on base?
  • #12. There’s a few… name a football like penalty in baseball.
  • #20B ~NEW~. Outdoor stadium, night game, no overhanging gear… a fly ball is hit over the height of lights… it doesn’t land on the field of play, nobody sees it come down, nobody spots it on the ground afterwards. It just goes up… and never “comes down”. What happens?

Kershaw gonna give up 8