Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Astros gonna do it

Hahaha fk off Yankees


FYI (inc postseason)…

WS Franchise vs all-time @ venue Sabo 2020
Rays 38-27 (2-3) 8-3 (3-2) 1-0 (3-2)
1 Astros 16-22 0-3
6 Dodgers 1200-1038-18 (6-5) 5-1 (3-0) 5-1 (3-0)
3 Braves

That’s a weird chart and I can’t decipher it

The Rays are 38-27 all time vs the Astros (including 2-3 postseason).

At Petco the Rays are 8-3 all-time (including 3-2 just now in postseason), while the Astros are 16-22 at Petco, and went 0-3 there this season. In 2019, Sabo the dog saw the the Rays win at Petco.

Meanwhile, the Dodgers are 1200-1038-18 vs the Braves (including 6-5 postseason).

At Globe Life Field the Dodgers are 5-1 (including 3-0 just now in postseason). The Braves have never played at Globe Life Field.

The Dodgers have won six World Series, the Braves three, the Astros one, and the Rays zero.


This dude has such a ridiculous timeline that just further confirms we’re in a simulation. Traded from Cardinals with two other guys for a kid in diapers, comes to Tampa, gets COVID, gains 15 pounds of muscle on chicken, rice, and pushups, starts hitting like Ted Williams on horse steroids, and can do spinning headstands. Just go ahead and bet him for WS MVP now and collect your monies.


Wat? Rays were hitting Cole hard the last few innings. Like 4 balls were caught on warning track.

Yankee fan here. I picked Rays to win WS before playoffs started. They have like 6 dudes in the BP that throw 100 MPH.

Also, I hate Chapman. He was suspended half a season for DV. He threw at this dude’s head a month ago and gave up a HR. Good, fuck him.

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He was at 94 pitches, 1 out and nobody on base, I think he should have at least finished that inning and started the 7th. Britton almost lost it right away, and Chapman is not tie game 2+ inning material, unless you’re talking 9 & 10, that would have been ok.

They basically took their chances hoping they would score in the last three innings except their bats were totally dead as always in these deciding games.

Rays are unreal. amazing collection of athletes, a close group, and kids having fun

Oh yeah and double fuck the Yankees for their game 2 opener garbage, you don’t just gave away a game in a 5 game series with stupid bullshit; I only retract the fuck Boone comment I made because clearly he’s just an errand boy for Cashman’s analytics wannabes.

Yanks were a flawed team as always. Would have been interesting to see how they fared if Severino and German (another DV guy, ugh) were there, of course they’ll be back next season but the rest of the rotation will undoubtedly take a step back. They’ll probably either extend Tanaka for too much $$ and he’ll decline rapidly, or make some awful FA signing, etc. There’ll be the usual merry-go-round of injuries. Never enough starting pitching.

The game 2 thing doesn’t bother me much other than the fact that I don’t think it ‘fooled’ anybody. If Happ simply starts that game he’s probably still awful.

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The concern is this: Two teams both aggressively platoon. It would be an advantage for one team to have the other team’s lineup before they set theirs. What happens if both managers refuse to cede this advantage?

Answer. Rule 4.03(a): First, the home manager… shall give his batting order to the umpire-in-chief…

So, the visiting team has this advantage? No. Neither team has this advantage, instead it’s a simultaneous reveal…

4.03(b): Next, the visiting manager… shall give his batting order to the umpire-in-chief…

(d): The umpire-in-chief shall… then tender a copy of each batting order to the opposing manager.

The remaining unanswered baseball rules trivia are below. Warning: the dark side of the rule book is in play.

  • #5. What happens if the batter due up is on base?
  • #12. There’s a few… name a football like penalty in baseball.
  • #20B ~NEW~. Outdoor stadium, night game, no overhanging gear… a fly ball is hit over the height of lights… it doesn’t land on the field of play, nobody sees it come down, nobody spots it on the ground afterwards. It just goes up… and never “comes down”. What happens?

As a Red Sox fan and hater of anyone who hits women, this was a Beavis&Butthead greatest moment of my life moment. Fukk Chapman

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Riceisraining does it again. So much fun to watch every at bat

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Sweated under 4.5 1h wayyyy to hard. I love the make up of the Rays but have trouble rooting for a team w zero fans that plays in an oversized funeral home.
Houston cheats so fukk them.
Atlanta’s fan suck and Acuna is a punk so…
The Dodgers choke every year but I love Mookie so I guess I’m in Dodger Blue …

Rays changing their name from Devil Rays is the worst decision in sports history. That was the goat name and uniform.


Framber was an international FA and got a 10k signing bonus. Wow, what a bargain.

Castillo Goat

He won 'em game 5, and then that 1 pitch gidp minutes ago

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