Louis Cyphre's Walrus

Your friend doesn’t give a shit that you have no idea. He just wants you to grow a sack and make a playlist.

It’s ages ago, but I think Bill Callahan said he wrote an entire album on a long drive once - one around Knock Knock or Dongs of Sevotion iirc.

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Lawnmower Man roadtrip:


4’33" by John Cage is an excellent idea and I almost submitted it.

I found a picture of Lawnmower_Man on a road trip:

Only Louis knows this but I submitted TWO road trip songs for you haters.


I never stopped believing in you!

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I only submitted one but it was the length of two.

A road trip with Chris Tucker is my 9th circle of hell.

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I’m only guessing but from previous submissions I suspect a road trip with a few people here would be hell for me.

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VH1 True Road Trip Stories:

Did a long ride in high school with 4-5 other dudes to a sporting event. Only thing I remember is those divas singing their little hearts out to Baby One More Time.

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You misspelled ‘five’


Edited my submission to include Spotify links (for those that I could find), if that’s helpful.

Thanks. I already looked up all (most?) submissions on Spotify and if there is an exact match that is what I have been listening, too, because I think those have a higher quality. There were a few I could not find.
I will include both the Spotify and the YouTube links in the write ups.

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Tomorrow night I hope I can do the first round of reveals.

There are a couple of things that I’d like to hear your opinion on.

There are at least two songs where for the life of me I can’t figure out how they fit the category. I don’t know what to do with them. I think I should contact the player(s) and ask for an explanation. Thoughts?

I have received entries from ChrisV for the first 6 categories and he asked about the need for category 7 seven song to which I replied.

The submission deadline doesn’t end for another 13h and I said in the OP that I will add 2 more days if necessary/requested. So any submission by end of day Wednesday is still on time.
Should Chris not be able to send one before that do you prefer I extend the deadline or let him submit one after I started reveals?

Can’t see any problems with asking for the songs you’re confused about. Also either waiting or letting him have an extra few days seems fine to me for ChrisV - I don’t think seeing one round is a massive advantage, and given the category is supposed to be something he should have already thought of I’m sure we can honour system it anyway.

I’ve sent anyway, so we’re all good.

While you are here, how would you have handled entries that do not seem to fit the category?

Category fit is part of the judging criteria, so you can penalise them. It’s up to you to decide how tough you want to be with that. Since the walrus judge is putting in the effort, traditionally they are an absolute monarch over the game and can decide what they like. Personally I’m generally OK with inventive attempts to shoehorn tracks into tough categories, but look less kindly on misfits where I just straight up disagree with the reason for submission (for example, if I think the singing sucks on a song submitted for the good vocal performance category).

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