Louis Cyphre's Walrus - Reveal Thread

me right now

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This means it’s curtains for today.


I hope you all enjoyed the reveal.


I don’t speak fluent Spanish, but I have enough awareness of Spanish language music that I heard Despacito before the remix with Bieber singing in English.

I was wondering if we would see more K-pop in this category, but I think the posters skew older.

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Before I remembered what I submitted, I was thinking about going with babymetal, and then I thought nah, save it for Trolly’s Walrus

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OP specified no German, so I lost things like the Beatles German versions and some one-off songs.
Plus I’m an old.

@LouisCyphre here’s another amazing performance by Rebekah Del Rio, also from a Lynch related thing (Twin Peaks season 3 it says, I don’t know, I haven’t watched)

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:) - Pleasant surprise

Rammstein, Falco, Kraftwerk, Nena all being off the board knocked out quite a few of these for me.

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lmao, same here.

Looks like I protected you from yourself.

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That was on my short-list for my own submission but I decided to go with something with more mainstream appeal.

The playlist for the first category (minus Llorando):


Louis lmk if you were able to find a spotify link for my 3rd submission, I think I found it. My category 7 submission is probably youtube only also

Just wanted to say a thank you to @Pauwl - your submission was a song I’ve heard here and there and liked, but never remembered enough to track it down. Cheers!

The other addition to my spotify follows from this lot was NotBruceZ’s entry - which I would not have guessed from the last walrus.

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I finally found all songs for category 3 on spotify. Your Youtube link and Spotify spell the artist’s name and song title differently.

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My girlfriend just came into my home office asking me what that weird music is I have been listening to for days.


The next reveal will be in approximately 4h and will probably do category 3 tomorrow.
After that I will have to slow down. I hope I can do category 4 on Saturday. Then the other 3 next week.


When you do reveals, can you @ people’s user names on their song so that they get a notification that there is activity?

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A song that tells a story

Gather around, unstuckers. It’s storytime.

Once upon a time there was a walrus…

I did not watch the music videos, looked up information about the songs or sought out the lyrics before I had finalized the rankings for any entries. I made an exception for this category to read the lyrics to make sure I fully understand and appreciate them.

Some have taken the telling a story part quite literally which is good. Some have stretched it paper thin but never to the point of tearing.

Do we have duplicates? Triplicates? Like songs about a ship wreck? Do you like stories about driving a car and then murdering someone? Ever heard of a fella named Bob Dylan?

This category ranges from epic tales to epic failure. It will be weaker than the first (in my humble estimation). Both the floor and the ceiling will be lower.