LOL LAW forever

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If there’s one problem with America, it’s that the stock market is not enough of a free for all.

This will get wild. The general position, embraced by gorsuch, is more radical than overturning Roe. It’s making America 1905 again. 5th Circuit letting it’s freak flag fly.

That’s half way back to where they want it to be!

it will be hilarious when he sues the ny court in scotus and wins restitution

He still hasn’t met the conditions of the contempt order!

The outstanding condition not met as of midday Friday was the production of required additional affidavits with further detail about document retention and destruction policy.

Any day now though…

The New York attorney general’s office moved to hold Trump in contempt after he failed to comply with a subpoena for documents issued in December 2021.

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Lol cool you can just spin-off lawsuits to a new company.

IANAL and I too don’t understand how this could be legal

“Our product didn’t harm anyone. Also we are moving all liabilities associated with this product to a new entity that will immediately file bankruptcy. We have no money for the victims but somehow our bankrupt company can afford human fecal matter in the form of Neal Katyal at $2,400 per hour.”

A+, totally legit, fantastic system, fuck you.

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I think of shit like this every time I have to attend a local chamber of commerce event and listen to stupid local business owners complain about how onerous regulations are. Biggest whiny assholes anywhere, and they have no clue how rigged the system is in their favor.

Team guillotine needs a workout.

Participants in an insurrection against the U.S. government can be barred from holding office, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit ruled Tuesday.

The decision came in the case of Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R), who before losing his House primary this month faced a challenge from North Carolina voters arguing that his actions around the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol attack made him ineligible for future public service. Cawthorn suggested his case was moot given his primary loss, but the court disagreed, given that the election had not yet been certified and because the same issue could come up in another campaign.

I feel like I’m on week ten of Johnny Depp trial videos plastered on the internet. How do these celebrities always get weeks in court and it seems everyone else gets hours, even for more serious criminal trials.

I’m guessing it’s because their lawyers can bill them bigly hours.

We need to file a motion to reverse the prior motion to suppress the motion that opposes the motion of the other lawyer to suppress our motion to oppose their motion. This month’s bill comes to $73,000 please, how would you like to pay?

You forget a zero.

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