LOL LAW forever

Gibson, Dunn represents Seinfeld in nuisance copyright case, wins on early motion to dismiss based on statute of limitations and is awarded fees. Asks for $985k based on work done (and billed to their client). Judge finds it unreasonable and cuts fee award down to $29k.

Firms like Gibson just rob their clients imo (mainly big corps and unnaturally wealthy people), but the clients are so dumb they hire them and pay. Can’t skimp on the big name firm. Judges occasionally cut down fee awards but aren’t nearly as aggressive as they should be.

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Correct me if I’m wrong here, but in this case they’re not robbing their client (i.e. Seinfeld).
They won the fees so they are really fucking the counterparty. If anything, Seinfeld would probably want them to do that.

It seems like bankruptcy is the most egregious example of this. Professional services get paid before anyone else with very little oversight as judges seem to rubber stamp the fees about 99% of the time.

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This happens in pension plan insolvency cases as well, the plan assets are used to pay professional fees for a couple of years before the plan benefits are settled and paid out to beneficiaries.

On a smaller scale this happens in probate too.

Basic incentive problem.

Couple days old but didn’t see it until now.

There’s a longer article about it here. Although they never say so outright, reading between the lines it seems like the hung juries on Fox and Croft were jury nullification. Like I’m pretty sure they would have had a conviction on the facts of the case (“entrapment” not really ever being a usable criminal defence in USA#1) and one or more members of the jury simply refused to convict.

Just fucking lol.

think you might have gotten your wires crossed a bit here riverman

This story just fills me with rage every time some update shows up on my feed


Nothing surprises me at this point

Like the same consulting teams worked both sides? Or two different teams worked for each respective side? That’s a pretty big difference, but an ethnical management consulting firm (HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ) should decline the engagement because of the conflicts.

How are we going to get mad at the one guy that actually wants to work anymore? Cmon

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Seems like running out the clock is going to work. The court has to draw the map itself.

Maybe we check with Clarence and company, and see how they feel about that?

How about Article GFY, Section Dems? That seems to cover it:

Article GFY, Section Dems: No restriction herein shall apply to God-fearing conservatives, but rather all constraints were designed by our founding fathers to keep the radical socialist Democrats in check.

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