LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Who gives a shit about cancelling rent if the government is paying it! It’s just another mechanism to inject money into the system.

Your understanding of how the system works is so basic it can’t get over your bumper sticker mantras.

clovis is the ian miles cheong of this forum

We are having a discussion. An interesting one I think. You just can’t identify it because you never engage in them.

Cats expertise is what I’m interested in.

The ideal solution is eviction should be cancelled until a vaccines and government should be paying rents as one mechanism to inject money into the system.

I can see why you might be confused because none of my responses contain erudite replies like “da fuq” and “lol”.

There is a tenant in an apartment who lost their job and has no money. The government has recognized that evicting tenants during this crisis would be immoral, so they passed a law preventing evictions until July.

Now the question of financial assistance related to housing comes up. The government has the choice of providing funds to landlords, funds to tenants, both, or neither. The government chooses to provide funds to landlords, but frames the program as one meant to provide relief to tenants. The relief being that their rent is paid up through July, for the period in which they already couldn’t be evicted. At which point they’re still broke and still getting evicted.

The program benefits some people who couldn’t afford rent for a few months but now can. And landlords need to wait until September 1 to file for eviction for July’s rent, so it provides an extra few weeks for tenants. But it leaves lots of tenants in the same position they would otherwise be in, while at the same time funneling cash to landlords rather than their tenants who are, by virtue of participating in the program, all out of work from Covid.


That makes sense. As I said money should be going to both. In the end I don’t care about rent getting paid as long as people are not getting evicted.

The problem is congress believes in the balanced cheque book myth so they think they can only do one.

The government handing out money to landlords is at best trickle down economics and at worst simply a bailout to the parasitic class. Fuck that.

Only if that’s all they do.

You’ll have to tell me what you mean by that statement. Who’s they, and what is it that they do?

Best thread title on the forum.

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They did not have a years worth of savings¿

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See my post with the video. I’m saying if government only gives money to landlords I agree that is nonsense trickle down bs. If they give money to everyone, including landlords, I have no issue with that.

The part where they give money to landlords would still be trickle down nonsense regardless of where any other money goes.

Someone show me the Democrats proposal for giving money to everyone? Must have missed that one


Republican politicians don’t actually believe that shit, they just hate poor people. For example they passed a $720 billion “defense” budget less than a week ago and are already trying to throw another $30 billion at the F-35 in their next COVID relief package.

Republican voters lap up that “run the government like a household” nonsense though.

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This doesn’t make sense in the context of giving everyone money. It’s by definition not trickle down. You are explicitly not relying on the landlords to pass money “down” the system.

Who said there was such a proposal?

I think most do believe it as it is a very common misunderstanding. They then compound their ignorance by using their artificially set limits on awful priorities like defence.

The defence budget should be set at 2 cents on the dollar when compared to the social safety net.