LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I’m an anarchist. Fuck off Joe.


Exactly. His idiotic phrasing (real shocker coming from Mumbling Bumbling Biden, I know) concedes that the protesters are bad guys and the bad guys are the anarchists. The bad guys are the fucking militarized fascists, try to keep up Joe.

This is actually a major Biden weakness, he is very much a God Bless Our Troops guy. He’s not going to be able to turn the corner and acknowledge that militarized police forces are bad.

Didn’t think it was illegal to be anarchist.

Joe really getting the dementia forgiveness on this one, as if he didn’t sit by while Obama crushed OWS. He has fascist tendencies.

That they’re both examples of programs that are framed as being designed to assist the working class but are in reality subsidies for the ownership class that, at least in the PPP’s case, has incidental benefits for workers.

Even if Trump loses the next 4 years are going to be excruciating.

I wouldn’t say fascist tendencies, I would say he has a romanticized and entirely fictional view of the role of the US military in the world.

People not getting evicted and losing their jobs doesn’t help workers?

What should the policy be?

Not as excruciating as slave labor in a concentration camp.

People were already not getting evicted from a separate policy. This is the third time I’ve explained that.

Likewise, people still lost their jobs at companies that accepted PPP loans.

Lol clovis

DHS was taking videos and coordinating with local police at every big protest I was at in Portland a decade ago.

So your policy would be prevent eviction and layoffs but no money goes to landlords or employers?

The government needs to put WAY more money into the system. Not less. Money needs to go to workers, employers, NGOs, landlords, companies etc. It’s the only way out of this mess. They need to massively amp up all programs.

Nothing fascist at all about the crime bill, waging a war of imperialism around the globe, crushing OWS, and just now another feather on the cap.

Wait, you DON’T like Biden? We are glad you cleared that up. We were all super confused.

No, those people need money too. But tenants and workers need it more, and the assistance for employers and landlords shouldn’t be sold to the public as assistance for tenants and workers.

Why don’t you go play with your toys while the grown-ups discuss the nuances of the United States? Some of us are concerned with what the country will look like under Joseph Biden, you’ll be fine in your Canadian playpen.

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You are making the classic mistake of assuming federal money works like your budget. It’s doesn’t. It’s not zero sum. There are essentially no limits on how much money the feds could dump into the system.

Edit. FYI this woman advises AOC and Bernie.

Xenophobia is always a solid debate point.

The solution is obviously giving money to every person and cancelling rent, something that has been brought up by a bunch of politicians and posted about on this forum many times. But the troll obviously knows this.