LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop


This would be better in a 2024 down ballot thread, but I can’t find it.

Check out the website of the Democratic candidate in GA-11 (a safe-R district that includes some metro Atlanta suburbs). Like seriously wtf am I reading here.

**Prices & Inflation need to be reduced.**Washington can’t or won’t live on a budget. It is spending 50% more than 5 years ago. We must stop the Federal Reserve from printing more money and Congress from spending more than we pay in taxes so inflation can be reduced. I will not vote for a budget that does not reflect an Americans-First outlook: Americans-First in Housing, Schools, Medical Care and anything else of value. Americans deserve to have fewer smothering taxes, less paperwork and less bureaucracy than your common illegal alien. I will work to restore Americans to First-Class citizenship and to strip tax-exempt status from any non-profit that aids illegal aliens in travelling to the United States, entering the United States or remaining in the United States.

Deport at least 25 Million Illegal Aliens and Protect our Border to prevent terrorism and to reinvigorate our American culture, ridding ourselves of those who insult us and hoover up all the resources for which Americans have worked so hard. Free up our housing, roads, schools, hospitals, and our charity from the invading ungrateful hordes, who cannot even be bothered to learn English or speak it to their children so it costs us less to teach them in school. Institute a 100% tax on remittances (funds sent to foreign countries). I will also work to strip charities of their tax-exempt status if they assist illegal aliens to travel to our country, to enter our country, or with anything other than travel out of our country.

Protect Social Security. Americans have paid in to Social Security for all of their working years and rely upon it. It must be our nation’s priority and should not be taxed. And I said it before President Trump did.

Restore Traditional Marriage, give Women and Children Safety and Respect, and show Transsexuals Compassion, Respect and Provide Them with Intensive Therapy. The Supreme Court justices that gave us homosexual marriage in Obergefell v. Hodges should be impeached and jurisdiction over the meaning of marriage removed from the United States Supreme Court pursuant to U.S. Constitution, Article III, Sec. II, Clause 2. It is abuse of our most vulnerable and impressionable, namely infants and children, for them to be adopted by homosexual couples.

In addition, Non-women should not displace us or intrude into women’s and children’s sports and bathrooms. Our culture has abandoned young girls, refusing to acknowledge their God-given differences with boys and men, and subjecting them to the superior strength of biological males in their sports and in their locker rooms. We have let them down by making them forfeit games, lose in their sports or abandon their sports, in order to avoid the disadvantages and dangers of such differences. We the adults should be asserting their rights for them and not leaving them to fend for themselves. The failure to defend these girls is disgraceful to the adults in our society.

Finally, many transsexuals have suffered trauma resulting in Dissociative Identity Disorder, and need intensive therapies such as E.M.D.R. We should help them deal with their mental injuries without pretending reality is other than it is. This is not to suggest we should encourage them to change their sexual interests, but only help them to the extent they desire help with any of the multitude of challenges such individuals deal with, many for their entire lives. Either their families or our institutions let them down, and they deserve the therapy of their choice at no expense to them.

A little quiz for y’all before I answer @TheNewT50’s question:

There are 3,244 counties in the United States. The number of counties with an active/functioning Democratic Party is:

  • 3,000+
  • 2,000-3,000
  • 1,000-2,000
  • 500-1000
  • <500
0 voters

Does “active” mean having a candidate run for state office?

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means having meetings and some kind of organizational structure

well, 31% of you got it right. It’s just over 300.

Maybe those voters abandoned democrats by being racist assholes


What is the number for Rs?

Now, to answer your question, some digging first.
Here is Georgia 11:

Here’s the Bartow County Dem Party website.

It doesn’t seem to have been updated since June. there is no information about how to volunteer other than “come to our meetings.” There are no agenda nor minutes of past meetings posted. No listing of endorsements for any local races. Their social media pages are slightly less useless, giving info about how to register to vote and how great Kamala is. Nothing about school boards, etc, which is ostensibly what a county party should be concentrating on.

Cherokee County Dems is better, but still nothing about candidates lower than state level.

Cobb County is suburban, so it’s definitely looking like how a county party should look. Because the city folk care about it.

Pickens County. Yikes.

Anyway, it seems they are at least trying to run a write-in candidate in GA 11.

All but Cobb are severely underfunded and probably understaffed, and underattended. They seem to have some shenanigans in their primary, but Cobb county Dems were probably worried about Lucy McBath in her primary and the others didn’t have the resources to fight it.

Dems in these types of places see all their neighbors with Trump flags and think they are alone, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. They also hear shit like “why bother, you’re never gonna win” from their urban and suburban counterparts, so they get less money for their candidates (not to mention their funding sources are poorer), etc. It’s a never ending doom cycle now, and the organizations most critical for electing Dems to critical races that control their rural lives (school boards, town councils, county commissioners, etc) are ineffective or nonexistent.

Even in CA, county parties rely on help from the state party, and places like Stanislaus or Tulare or Imperial counties have Dem parties that struggle against the great sucking black holes of money that are LA , SF, and SD.

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Answer is zero are functioning.