LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

That’s your answer to everything.

‘Democrats are the party of human rights not religious extremism or terrorists organizations. If you want to revitalize the Republican part in California, just support fanatics murdering people at music festivals.’

Do you know any black disabled lesbians?

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Wtf? Don’t know why you are so pro-Israel but you’ve gotten used to playing the game on easy mode with the general American public. That statement would get skydiver’s guy absolutely routed given the audience, and rightfully so.

I am not talking about the substance of Israel/Palestine, where I think both parties are in the wrong. I am talking CA politics. If the CA Dems want to be out of touch with CA voters, that’s not a good strategy.

Like, we aren’t even pro-Israel, either, it’s just that my hater happens to be Arabic so he has instantly more credibility on the issue than we ever could, so at this point, I feel like saying anything would seem hollow. but if we don’t say anything, does that send a message that we don’t care.

Argh. I have always unequivocally said that there is absolutely no way to comment on this issue that will turn out well…and here we are, possibly being forced to comment.

Calling the Palestinian cause generally one of terrorism and extremism sounds like a Trump general election ad, terrible for an intraparty D election of insiders that skews more progressive than Ds generally.

Hamas does not equal Palestine. This isn’t a tough needle to thread, you can drive a Mack truck through that space.

If this woman has no history or credibility as a Palestinian advocate, you could mention that.

Here’s how Fetterman approaches the politics.

In Skydiver’s case, she can add, “As a veteran…”

And if she sprained her ankle, “As a disabled veteran…”

and if she remembers 9/11, “As a disabled veteran who remembers 9/11…”

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Only when there don’t appear to be other options.

Or fetterman’s comparison is a bullshit false dichotomy

We have plenty of key allies that massacre innocent civilians. Including Israel! Pretending that there’s only one party here massacring innocent civilians is just dumb

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No one said that.

Fetterman did. He’s clearly drawing a distinction between the two parties by stating that one massacres innocent civilians while the other is a key ally, implying that our key ally is not massacring innocent civilians.


Yea it’s super weird to suspect IDF when 1) they’ve been indicating since day 1 they are going to/willing to do this and 2) IDF officials were rushing onto twitter to celebrate/claim credit before they walked it back. Super duper mystery here, but we have our best minds on it, clearly.

either way the point is still the same, we can’t snap believe anything hamas says

if you think the same thing about israel that’s another matter

as I said before everyone lols at him being stupid, they’ll slap him on the wrist, and everyone moves on.


We just won the endorsement of our Dem opponent’s home Dem club.

It was close, but we got it.

Our first big endorsement win and I’m flying high tonight.