LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

83 is the new 43! Or some other such nonsense.

Democrats never run hispanic candidates in Florida, but do run former republican candidates. Their candidates always suck.

Kind of hard to run a Hispanic candidate when none even enter the primaries.

The democratic party of Florida needs to do a better job identifying potential candidates and running them.

How many Hispanic Democrats do you think there are in the Florida US House delegation?

Probably zero. Not sure what your point is?

There are 5,500,000 hispanic people in Florida. The democrats should consider cultivating some candidates from this pool to improve their chances of winning.

Not being successful in cultivating Hispanic statewide candidates is within the range of plausible outcomes of trying hard to cultivate such candidates.

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I hate that you were right about this.

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Lol, this poster is really smart




They absolutely have him to dead to rights. If the Democrats don’t abandon him immediately the party has completely failed and lost all moral authority on Trump, Clarence Thomas, etc.

Even if he magically gets convicted we can look forward to a 9-0 SCOTUS overturn in a few years in the vein of McDonnell v. United States. This dude already skated once so he’s definitely gonna give it another go both on the trial front and the running for reelection front and possibly cost the Ds a safe seat in the process.

a kilo of gold is worth a shitload Bob


Lol they found $500k in cash when they searched his house. That’s some Tony Soprano shit

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this fucking dude, charged with shit and got away with it in 2018 and thought hey that just means I can get away with anything.

NJ has state wide elections in 6 weeks and that seat is up in 2024. Couldn’t just take a break for only a few years of it ffs.

a kilo of gold is 63000 or so if you went to go buy it

this kind of dumbass might’ve done it for a fake gold bar

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