LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

You aren’t even close to peak mental faculties at 60-75. Then there is the fact the average 60-75 year old in the US is a Trump loving, racist, anti-vax moron.

But sure that’s the peak age for Senators.

Having a senate comprised so heavily of people over 60 years old is a major part of the problem.

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It’s possible that the year I lived in Minneapolis was an atypical year weather wise. All I remember is that we had weeks of 90+ degree weather with dew points in the 70s. It was miserable.

But maybe not every year is that bad?

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Peak mental faculties age is perhaps 35-40, but I sure as hell wouldn’t trust someone of that age, with such limited life experience, with navigating geopolitical quandaries. Experience and wisdom matter more than peak mental faculty. It’s a sliding scale.

I don’t think age, except at the extremes, is as much of a problem as

  1. The rancid “transparent” environment that leads anyone that would be good at the job to not think of seeking it much less being able to win

  2. The massive amounts of money that are typically required to win

Ahh yes the Senate. Well known for navigating geopolitical quandries. What are you even talking about?

The American government: the least successful in the world, except for all the other ones.

Name some geopolitical quandries the Senate has been responsible for resolving in recent years?

Almost every senator has limited life experience relative to what it’s like as an average American.

They don’t know what it’s like to live paycheck-to-paycheck in the last 25 years (if ever).

Listen to these fossils talking about technology. They don’t know shit!


I can already tell from your tone and the way the question was posed that there is nothing anyone could tell you, o wise one, that would change your mind or cause you to learn anything so there’s no point in even addressing the question.

This is a good point. It goes to my concern about the pool of possible candidates excluding many people who would potentially have considerable talent for government.

Grant was destitute for years prior to his ascent to President.

It’s always projection


We do have mosquitos but the hot/muggy weather isn’t a constant. Average highs are going to be around 80 for June/July/Aug, yeah there are some 90+ days with hugh humidity but it isn’t an everyday thing.


Those are really cool, where do you find them?

Why don’t you give me one example if possible instead of your typical responses. It’s impossible to learn from a post not based in reality.

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This only happens if you first dismantle the norm of seniority mattering in other parts of life, such as collective bargaining agreements.


It’s a pretty cool site especially when you live in MN and you’re trying to figure out where to go in the winter to maximize your chance of experiencing warm, sunny weather :joy:

You can see all kinds of data in visual form and do comparisons like the one I posted.


That rules. Thank you

That site is great. Why have I never heard of this before?

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he banned me 69 times as part of a long con

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