LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop






Otatop having “captain buddies” is quite the take.


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Also we are still bringing up “captains” in May 2023? Get over it already.

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Honored to be so deeply entrenched in ya’ll’s baby brains.

Just remember: if something challenges you, ignore it! You’ll go far.


If there’s two things people think of most when they think of jmakin, it’s how he never bullies the outgroup and how he never creates an endless stream of alternate accounts


The parties will just change their positions to get votes. “The Republicans” don’t believe in static things. There’s always going to be competitive parties because if they aren’t competitive they’ll change.

A lot of people just mute it

It’s a pretty great state as long as you can handle the winter, but that’s a big if.

What does that have to do with you?

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Mute, ignore, the choice is yours!

(I know everyone reads every post lmao)

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And also the humid, miserable summers. But the two weeks during the shoulder seasons are awfully nice!

Naw summers are nice i like the hotter weather. May through Sept are nice, the months on either sides of those can be nice but you see big fluctuations there. Like you might get a snowstorm in April and then it’s 60F a few days later

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She’s right that Republicans wouldn’t let that seat get filled.

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I need to visit during the summer sometime. Because I always hear about the muggy summers with swarms of huge mosquitoes, and I always wonder how that compares with Alabama summers. It would suck if it’s similar, and y’all just get no silver lining from the brutal winters at all

But it seems like such a cool place. Other than… the weather the entire year?

She is correct about that, but that needs to come with a massive asterisk. Namely, that Democrats should be called out for putting her on the committee in the first place, should never do anything like that again, and should be taking steps to promote younger individuals to higher levels of power.

(Actually, the Clintons should go away forever and not be interviewed, etc., but I realize that’s never going to happen)

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Not saying I disagree, but senate literally means “old man” and seniority has always been associated with positions of authority within the body.

I think with life expectancy increasing so much, optimal wisdom probably resides in those between ages 60-75, and anyone older probably has more concerns for cognitive deficits that outweigh the benefits of experience.