LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

There’s a new law in CA requiring donations of food. It started last year and more requirements go into effect next year.

Food Donors: Fight Hunger and Combat Climate Change - CalRecycle Home Page.

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yeah I’m sure it will shock nobody here that “expiration” dates are basically meaningless, there’s no standard for what information they’re even supposed to convey, much less how it is supposed to be calculated. Some are “sell by” some are “use by” some are “best by” etc. but really it’s all marketing.

here’s a good intro to this bullshit

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Yea and in the milk example it was the expiration dates that they were manipulating, I think. Setting them stupidly early and then requiring that expired milk get dumped, all so the big milk producers could ship more product.

That’s it! Montana. That’s the one I was thinking of.

Who gets stuck with the milk’s cost, the store? I guess their lobbyists weren’t as well funded as the dairy producers.

Turned milk doesn’t even necessarily hurt you, but the date on the jug is usually a pretty good estimate for when it will start to smell a little sour. I’m not saying it should be dumped, but it’s not useless.

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Hot take and something I’ve speculated about before - it’s fundamentally impossible to avoid the risk of running out of food if you’re not usually producing a significant amount more than people need. That doesn’t mean food needs to go to landfill of course, but food security is a not often considered benefit of, for example, ethanol, which creates demand for corn that could be diverted to food if needed. Food is different than most goods and it being in short supply for even a few days is an emergency.

Back in my day weather reporting would have come in last. It’s come a long way.

People being arrested for standing on the subway tracks in protest, but still no arrest of the man who choked someone to death

Lol, might as well cite any crime short of murder that has been punished since Neely died.

Jumping on train tracks is absolute psycho behavior that should of course be dealt with swiftly.

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lol cnn less trusted by the right than Al Jazera.

That is funny for conservatives, but I’ll look for Al Jazeera way before CNN, but that’s because I think they’re fine and I’m already swimming in USA media.



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Can anyone give me a good reason why Democrats haven’t been able to get undercover Dems elected as R’s in red states ala Manchin and Sinema?

Other than incompetence obviously

How hard could it be to send out some Dems with good acting skills to mimic Trump during general elections and then switch parties once in office


I was going to lol at al jazeera being so low in general. It’s near the top for me.

Because you tank your career in politics doing this and only the secret Republicans are rewarded with no work business executive salaries after