LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

“History will judge John Roberts”, also to be read as “I, Dick Durbin, chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, am a do-nothing coward”


“Stand back and stand by” -Dianne Feinstein


Yeah, Durbin isn’t about actually doing things himself. VOTE HARDER

Drove my son to his internship last week and he asked me about all of the silver alert notifications we saw on the way. I told him the dems were looking for DiFi. He lol’ed.


Embarrassing and pathetic

Wait a second! That’s it. Just vote for Democrats, of course! Why didn’t we think about this before!?

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Hey Google, how do you recall a mayor

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Joe’s got his flaws, but no President is going to do well in an inflationary period that happens when they’re in office. People are idiots and inflation is one thing that strikes fear in practically every household in the country.

The R’s might lose anyway because their policies are so insanely unpopular, but Biden’s behind the 8 ball for sure.

But a few thousand people coming here looking for work is a state of emergency. People suck.

I thought everyone was in debt?

Price inflation is Biden’s fault. Wage inflation is working hard and getting what you deserve.

the CBS (i think) national news came on after a sporting event I was watching today and the anchor was introducing the things they were covering. She said something like plus a massive wave of migrants at the southern border what are we going to do, and i just wanted to yell at the TV let them in jesus christ.

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Even people who theoretically economically benefit from inflation HATE inflation. People get pissed off when the price of stuff goes up. And when their paycheck doesn’t go as far they panic.

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Yes, personal debt is increasing while savings accounts are depleting, Spending is a behavioral pattern that people aren’t capable to change as efficiently so you end up with lingering inflated prices with businesses benefiting and the market remaining strong despite folks having less purchasing power as they did in 2021 - until they realize.

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Yeah. I guess paychecks lag behind inflation, so your debt doesn’t actually seem any smaller. Actually bigger, if you’re still buying all the same stuff each month!

My debt seems smaller to me because I don’t live on the road anymore, and I was renting a place while working on the road, but now my housing/utilities/etc cost is over 25% cheaper

Food looks cheaper to me, when it looks more expensive to everyone else. Because I wasn’t earing at home but now I am

It does seem that inflation has been coming down a bit, but I still have to go to the grocery store and see them with the giant cart of food they are going to throw out at the end of the night. That shit should be illegal or at least force them to donate it to a shelter or something.

I vaguely remember some laws that actually don’t allow that, due to expiration dates or something. There was one extra-stupid example of it with milk in some state that was essentially subsidizing milk producers by forcing the disposal of barely-old milk, Wisconsin maybe?

Edit: pvn found it, Montana

Big Milk does all kinds of stupid shit. I have a friend where it’s dangerous to even say the work “milk” around him, he’ll go off on a moment’s notice about the scourge of milk propaganda.